Getting "in step" with God is much like the sports of rowing and diving. It takes:
Each movement in sync
with their partner.
I want to be that way with my Savior. In step with His pace and plan.
And I pray that for Alyssa and Kyle too! As they go about their days,
and make plans for their future, may they always fix their eyes on
Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of their faith!
Lord, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle get in step with you and let
you set the pace for where they go and what they do, and not proudly or
anxiously try to run the parade themselves. May they choose to live in
sync with you. To do that Alyssa and Kyle will have to spend time with
you often, listen intently, and live lives of obedience. Following you
will bring great success, a growing courage, and strength to handle all
things. Thank you, Lord, for being our greatest partner in life!

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