Easter 2008
Lord, you have blessed this house!
Time with Lyss home from college was a delight.
I loved watching her take pictures, hang with friends, and enjoyed whooping her at cards.
Adult conversations, fun shopping trips, and all for Redford's in one place.
Kyle spent many hours playing ball last weekend.
Despite loosing he kept his chin up and played hard.
Even when coaches worked him, or came down on the team, he stayed strong.
I also was blessed by seeing Kyle love on the little kids at church.
Around and around little Marley went singing "I love Kyle!"
And giggles from Logan as he chased Kyle up and down the sanctuary.
He's adored for sure!
Services with our church family.
Beautiful worship, joyful celebration, and lovely, special people.
A grandma thrilled to tell me her 11 year old grandson accepted Christ in our service!
Pizza for Easter lunch...non traditional!
A walk in the perfect spring weather.
Watching Kyle do his thing fishing.
A good, good day (except for taking Lyss the the airport).
Lord, you have blessed this house! Thank you, precious Savior!

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