Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Time with Family

 Three Generations...Mother's Day...2010

We will celebrate
and praise you, LORD!
You are good to us,
and your love never fails.
No one can praise you enough
for all of the mighty things
you have done.
  --Psalm 106:1 (CEV)

Mother's Day was beautiful in our neck of the woods, and spending it with family was a treat!  The weather was perfect, so we headed to a nearby park and tried to play a game of frisbee golf.  Unfortunately, the wind was out, and our frisbees were flimsy.  We had a great time anyway!  

Papa had the best frisbee of all.

Go Kyle-man!

Grammy, Kyle isn't the target!

What's wrong, Ken?

Lyss is making a wish...
"Please help my frisbee hit the target!"


 Ugh!  This isn't going so well!

Soon frisbee golf became too hard,
and we decided to take a walk.


After taking some pictures in front of some beautiful lilac bushes (see picture above), 
the owner came out and cut some for us to take home.
So sweet!

Family time is precious!

Lord, thank you for the wonderful memories made this weekend, and for the opportunity we had to spend time together as a family.  Thank you for grandparents who invest their time and resources in order to spend time with their grandchildren.  Thank you for the relationships that mean so much, and the fun we have when we are together.  What a wonderful influence grandparents have on their grandchildren.  Conversations were sweet, and Christ was shared in each word, action, and thought.  My heart is full of thanksgiving, dear Jesus, for the laughter, the joy, and the love  that is felt when we are together.  Lord, I pray that my kids continue to value the importance of spending time together, and sense how deeply they are loved by their family.  What a precious gift you have given us, Lord, and we give you thanks!

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