Friday, May 28, 2010

He Knows

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."  Proverbs 18:24

 Friends on the last day of school...2009

Friends come, and friends go, and sometimes it really hurts.  The school year is coming to an end soon, and many of Alyssa's good friends have decided to switch schools in the coming year.  I know that this makes her sad.

So, I'm praying that these final days of school bring some happy times, and plans to keep in contact in the future.  I'm praying that Alyssa doesn't focus on the downside of these changes, but she looks forward to the next school year with hope for whatever God has planned.

Who knows, some of these friends that are leaving may be friends that last a lifetime.  Or better yet, somebody new might just show up, and be even a better friend than the ones before.  God is in control, and He knows each and every one of Alyssa's needs.

Lord, as a mother it is so easy to worry and hurt over the things that cause hurt in our children's lives.  I also know that you are a God who has everything under control, and are watching over our children in ways that we cannot.  I trust that you will help our kids when friendships change, or when they get hurt by someone's words or actions, or they fear the future.  Lord, fill our children's lives with friendships that encourage, challenge, and strengthen.  I pray that they have blessed with friendships that stick it out through the hard times, extend extravagant grace and forgiveness, and love no matter the outcome.  I pray, dear Jesus, that when friendships hurt, that our kids look to you for comfort, wisdom, and hope for new friendships.  Lord, you are the giver of the friends we have in our lives, and they are such treasures in our lives.  Thank you that friendships with others is a part of your beautiful plan. 

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