Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Little Nudges from God

"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands." 2 John 1:6

Last week, in our Women's Bible study, we had a little chat about the nudges we sometimes feel from God in our lives to do something.  Some shared that God had nudged them to pray.  One shared that God nudged her to make a meal for a friend.  Nudges here and there, where God prodded them to do something.  A couple of gals even admitted that they felt God's nudges, but chose to ignore His promptings.

My kids aren't always obedient when I nudge them to do something either.  Most often, it's not that the job is too hard.  They whine and complain out of laziness, selfishness, or greed, and truly don't understand the importance of doing what they've been asked to do.  Sometimes I think that it would take a lot less time and energy to just do the job when first asked, than to sit and gripe about the task, and then have to do it anyway.

What blessings we miss out on because we don't choose to be obedient to the things God asks us to do, and when we whine, kick and scream along the way, we forfeit His peace, strength, and abundant joy.   

I'm praying that my kids learn to recognize God's nudges in their lives, and they choose immediate obedience, making themselves available to some of His greatest blessings.

"Obedience is the fruit of faith." --Christina Rossetti

Lord, you have wonderful plans for our lives, and you always have our best interests at heart, so why do we sometimes fail to be obedient to the things you ask us to do?  Why do we fail to seek you, and follow your gentle prodding? I pray that our children always choose being obedient to you, dear Jesus. Lord, replace any selfishness, with the desire to serve, give, and obey.  Take any fear residing in our children's hearts, and teach them to fully lean on you when they go where you say go.  Help them, Lord, to hear your voice speaking, leading and guiding, and showing them what they should do, where they should go, and how they should live.  I pray that their lives are marked by obedience to you, Father.  Nudge them until they heed your call on their lives, and give them all they need to follow your  plans.  Lord, your way is the only way, and obeying you is the best thing our children can do with their lives.  Nudge away, Lord, and may they be found faithful.

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