Monday, May 24, 2010

Hands That Work

"The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work."  Proverbs 21:25

Apple Picking 2004

Loving to work does not come naturally to most, especially for kids.  I honestly can't remember a chore that I enjoyed. If I had to choose, I'd probably pick mowing the lawn as my favorite childhood job.  Of course maybe it's because I enjoy doing it now as an adult.  Who knows?  My least favorite chores, however, included picking potato bugs off the potato plants in our garden, weeding, and hauling wood.  Notice there were more jobs that made me cringe, than ones I enjoyed. I'm guessing my parents heard a whine or two from me once in a while.  Sorry, mom and dad!

Do you know why I love mowing the lawn now though?  I love the finished product.  I love seeing the clean cut lines in the grass.  Crazy, I know.  But there is something that brings great satisfaction when you see a job come to completion.  The sparkle in the fridge after cleaning it from top to bottom, the smell of clean laundry, and the feel of fresh sheets on the bed.  Yes, those are the joys of working at home, but there are other rewards that come when you choose to put your hands to good use.

"If a man is lazy, the rafters sag; if his hands are idle, the house leaks."  Ecclesiastes 10:18

I'm praying that my children find pleasure in working hard...whether it be in a job, in a ministry, or in their own homes.  Working hard brings great reward, externally and internally.

You're growing up into adults, dear children.  It will be here in the blink of an eye.  God has great plans for you, and will use you to do mighty things if you're available!  Ready or not, here it comes.


Lord, you have created each of us for a purpose, and hope to use us to do mighty things.  You have great plans for the use of our hands and feet, as long as we make them available to you.  Sometimes the work is not fun, nor do we see the benefit of our efforts, but you call us to work at things, and work at them with all our hearts.  Please Lord, help our children to learn the value of working.  Show them the satisfaction that comes when they follow your calling in their lives, whether it is "hard" or not, and go where you say go.  Lead them Lord into the career you have planned just for them, and no matter how much work it takes, give them the tenacity and desire to keep at it.  Keep our children from being lazy, when they should be busy, and sluggards when there are things to be done.  At the same time, help them to find rest when life seems too hectic.  Lord, bless the work of their hands, and may their lives always glorify you.

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