Friday Night Sleepover (2000)
Our Friday night tradition, wasn't so mom-friendly, and I don't remember how this one got started. We owned a hide-a-bed (you know, for visitors and such!), and the kids would bring out all their blankets, stuffed animals, and such, and camp out together while watching their favorite videos. The nights sometimes felt late, for this mom, and not always did Alyssa and Kyle agree on which videos to watch, but it was something they always looked forward to. Yeah for Friday nights!
We've also had a Sunday morning tradition: going to church. Sure, we're the pastor's and don't have the choice, but I'm pretty sure we'd be a family that attended every Sunday even if we weren't. As Alyssa and Kyle become adults, I pray that they hold onto our Sunday morning "tradition" of going to worship. It may take work sometimes, but the benefits far outweigh all else.
Here's to life-long traditions...
Lord, what an amazing thing it is that we can be with you at any time of any day. Church isn't the only place we will meet you. However, there are such sweet benefits of coming into your presence at church, and into the fellowship with other believers. I pray, dear Jesus, that Alyssa and Kyle always choose to be a part of a church family. I hope that they find relationships within the church that help them grow in their faith, and encourage them on their spiritual journey. I long for them to find areas of ministry in which to use their gifts, and in turn encourage others to grow spiritually, and find you a their personal Savior. Good habits take time to develop, but I pray that these childhood years, when we've attended church week after week, have helped Alyssa and Kyle begin a tradition that will carry on when they become adults and have families of their own. Lord, thank you for the gift of church, and church families. What a precious part of life!

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