Alyssa, Kyle, and cousin Daria (1999)
Sometimes it's hard to think of someone else's needs, wants and desires. Even at 44 years of age unfortunately.
Lyssa and Ken love "Finding Bigfoot" and I like the Hallmark channel.
Kyle and Ken love football, baseball, and every sport in between, but I can't say that I do.
My girl loves Qdoba's Mexican cuisine but Kyle would vote for the chinese flair of Panda Express.
Often, when the kids would have sleepovers when they were little, discussions could be heard of who wanted to do what, and who should get to pick. Over and over again I had to have the conversation with my kids of letting our guests choose the activity of the moment, and as the host, we'd wait our turn to have a say.
Life is a lot like that sometimes. Doing something for the benefit of someone else. Sacrificing. Giving. Loving through the compromise of our own wants and desires. Thinking of someone's need and doing what we can to help. Our own life will be the richer for it.
I want my kids to be the kind of people who love others fully by putting the interest of someone else ahead of their own.
Lord, teach me. And, Lord, teach our children to be interested in the lives of others. Give them hearts of compassion, mercy, and sacrifice to the needs, wants and desires of others. May they have hearts that reflect you, and the attitudes that you desire them to have. Givers. Lovers. Others-focused. With you, at the helm of their heart, they will be a reflection of you to those around them.

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