You are worthy to receive
glory and honor and power,
because You have created all things,
and because of Your will
they exist and were created.
--Revelation 4:11
I just revel in all the ways God creates good things in my life. Good things can even come out of hard experiences, believe it or not. This week I have seen His handiwork in beautiful ways.
- Unexpected hugs and prayers.
- Laughing at "fainting goats" on YouTube with Kyle (google "fainting goats if you're in a bad mood).
- A phone call with Lyss. So adult-like, so fun, so good!
- My living room full of 15 laughing, caring, loving ladies from my church.
- Surprise gifts of purple things. So embarrassing but so loving and kind!
- Kyle's car full of balloons from a girl asking him to the Sweethearts dance.
- A game night with friends.
- Kyle's passing grade (103%) on a math quiz when everyone else around him didn't do so hot.
- Lyss loving school and doing college kind of things!
- Ken's timely presence with hurting families.
- Date lunch at PF Changs with a gift card.
- Purple tulips from my hubby.
- Watching my 16 year old sleep on the living room floor (I just want to squeeze on him), tired after early morning and after school baseball practices.
Lord, you are always creating beautiful things in my life. I love watching your hand at work in Alyssa and Kyle's lives especially. You are always faithful, good, and present in the good and bad times we go through. Thank you, precious Savior for all these sweet benefits I've seen this week. You are so good and so worthy of our praise! To you be all glory, honor and praise.

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