Alyssa & Kyle (1997)
I love the Scripture above..."He showed himself to these men." God doesn't want to play "Hide and Seek". He just wants His children to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that He is alive and present in their lives.
I always laughed when the kids and I played "Hide and Seek" when they were little. Because though they were "hiding", I could hear little giggles or their continual movement as they got comfortable. Their excitement grew as I got closer and closer to their hiding spot. Finding them wasn't too hard.
I think God's like that. He's the Living God, and he is active in our lives, and He wants us to know it. He wants us to find Him!
I pray that my kids can sense His presence with them every day, and recognize the "convincing proofs" that He is God.
Lord, show yourself to Alyssa and Kyle and help them to see many convincing proofs that You are truly alive! Open their eyes so that they may recognize you, and know that you are God.

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