Cousins (2007)
I only have 2 more presents to wrap and then I'm done, done, done!!!! It's amazing how much energy it takes to wrap those gifts. Every year I regret waiting to start my wrapping until after I have purchased the very last gift. Someone remind me next year to DO A LITTLE AT A TIME!
Or I'll follow Kyle's game plan and use gift bags! He's not so impressed with wrapping.
In lieu of me writing a blog yesterday, my man was sweet to post some of his thoughts. It was a sweet gift as I was dragging my feet after a long day. But because I was absent I failed to be able to share what I was thankful for (besides my hubby)! So here is a quick list...
- Lyssa received her first college acceptance from her top choice of schools (our alma mater)! Way to go, girl!
- We've been blessed abundantly by so many in our church family this Christmas.
- Christmas break arrived...I think we were all more than ready!
- Lyssa has been working hard getting her internship hours in (50/120).
And I'm starting to see my kids "get the drift" too. It's been fun watching them delight in giving this year. Sure, they are excited about what they might get this Christmas, but I pray that they find some out-of-this-world responses to the thoughtful gifts they have put together, and in giving find the true delight of the season.
Lord, thank you for the true joy that comes over us when we give out of our hearts and it is received with great delight and joy. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle get an extra special dose of the lesson that they will be far happier giving than getting. May this season be the foundation of experiencing the joy of thinking about others. May you shine in Alyssa and Kyle through the gifts that they give to others and may the receivers sense their love, joy and thoughtfulness. Thank you, Lord, for continually growing up our kids into maturity.

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