People do some amazing things to mess up their lives. In ministry, my eyes and ears have been privy to many, many things that I sometimes can't even begin to comprehend. Some choices leave a path of destruction that seems irreparable.
Even I have broken God's heart at times. We all have.
But we have a God who makes beauty out of the ashes of our lives. He loves us despite our failures. He can redeem, make knew, and use the hard things in our lives.
Today I am praying that my kids not only stay clear of big mistakes, but that they also sense God's Spirit check theirs when they are tempted to do something that doesn't fall in line with His expectation and hope for their lives.
But if there are disasters, or when there are disasters, may God make something beautiful.
Lord, you are our Redeemer, and you can make beautiful things out of our lives. You can pull us up from the pit, take our old self, and make us a new creation. Oh what a wonderful God you are! Lord, protect my children from making huge disasters of their life. Prod them with your Spirit to make wise choices in their lives, and not go down roads that don't include you, or stand in your perfect will, Of course, because they are human they will not live perfect lives, but I pray that when they do make mistakes or poor choices, they will sense your unconditional love and forgiveness. Lord, please make then teachable, moldable, and sensitive to your Holy Spirit. I know and trust that you make beautiful things out of our lives, and you will do so for our children as well.

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