Monday, December 19, 2011

Contentment for Christmas

"So we should be satisfied just to have food and clothes."  1 Timothy 6:8

My kids think they know what they are getting for Christmas.

Christmas pajamas (2006)

They also seem to come up with lots of things they want for Christmas as we are out shopping for someone else. 

Though this season is about giving to others, and finding just the perfect gift for those we love, it's sure easy for our greedy hearts to begin focusing inward on our own wants and desires.

It's hard to practice contentment and satisfaction.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come 
as a result of getting something we don't have, 
but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have."  
--Frederick Keonig

Christmas Pajamas with cousins (2007)

Lord, we thank you for the blessings of this precious season.  What a delight it is to celebrate your birth!  Help our hearts and minds be focused on you, dear Jesus, and free from the greed that can so easily entangle us.  I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find themselves satisfied with all that they have and content with whatever it is that they receive.  It's so hard sometimes to be satisfied just to have food and clothes, but with that all of our needs are met.  Lord, I pray that we truly reflect peace and thanksgiving this season, and are reminded that with you, we have all that we need.  Thank you, Lord, for our abundant riches and all that you have blessed our lives with.

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