Hang my locket around your neck,
wear my ring on your finger.
Love is invincible facing danger and death.
wear my ring on your finger.
Love is invincible facing danger and death.
Passion laughs at the terrors of hell.
The fire of love stops at nothing—
it sweeps everything before it.
Flood waters can't drown love,
torrents of rain can't put it out.
Love can't be bought, love can't be sold—
it's not to be found in the marketplace.
The fire of love stops at nothing—
it sweeps everything before it.
Flood waters can't drown love,
torrents of rain can't put it out.
Love can't be bought, love can't be sold—
it's not to be found in the marketplace.
Song of Solomon 8:6-8 (The Message)
Ken -n- Tresa...August 19, 1989
Lord, thank you for 22 years of marriage. Without you as the center of our marriage we would have been lost, You, Lord, have been our strength, our hope, and our wisdom, as we've ridden the waves of highs and lows. Thank you, Lord, for being the glue that has held us together through the years. We pray that the next 22 years will be just as blessed.
As I give thanks for our marriage, I pray for the marriages of our children, Alyssa and Kyle. Prepare them now for a life of commitment and honor, from the day they say "I do", until the end of life. Give them the character to "stick to it" even when things get hard. I pray for the spouse you have planned for each one of them, and I ask they you prepare their hearts in the same way. May each of their marriages be marked by your presence and the dedication to live their entire lives in honor of you. And Lord, please protect Alyssa and Kyle, between now and then, from making wrong choices, following impulses that lead them away from your plan for purity, and move slowly and diligently in their relationships so that you are always glorified in all that they say and do.
Lord, generations can be blessed through marriages that are dedicated to you. I pray Alyssa and Kyle see a good example in the marriages of their grandparents and parents, and in turn become a blessed example themselves for their children to come.
Thank you, Lord, for these 22 years! Thank you for my dear husband! And thank you for bringing us this far!

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