First day of school...2004
Today Alyssa begins her senior year of high school. It seems like it is a day that deserves grand celebration. Sure, that will happen 9 months from now when she walks across the stage to receive her diploma, but today somehow marks the beginning of the end. I know I mentioned it the other day, but it seems like it was just yesterday that she had her first day of kindergarten.
Some things are much the same as they were way back then. We bought new clothes, stocked up on a school supplies, and fight the butterflies of what the new year will hold. Sure, the classes are harder, the homework more intense, and the expectations a hundred-fold compared to way back then, but the feelings are still the same.
Oh the first day of school.
Lord, today is a new beginning, and I thank you that you go ahead and behind Alyssa in her final year in high school. Be with her, dear Jesus, as this new school year begins. Open her mind to the things she will learn, directing her towards what she needs to know, and finding the passions you've instilled in her, and created her for. Bring teachers into Alyssa's life that challenge her to do her best and try new things, enlightening her to new wonders, and spawning in her a passion to learn. Prod Alyssa to work hard and dismiss her tendency to procrastinate. Give her moments of joy and laughter in each day that cause her to find pleasure in being in a learning atmosphere. Lord, you have great things in store for Alyssa this year and we entrust her to you!
PS...For those who are wondering, the elective discussion didn't go as well as I had hoped (the whole story here). After talking with her school administrator, Alyssa confirmed what she thought to be true, and what I didn't know. She didn't need the elective. Of course, had she needed to take the class, I chose the wrong one. What's a mom to do? I tried.

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