My Facebook status from yesterday: I hate it when little mistakes make big messes.
When will I learn to not push the "on" button so fast on my KitchenAid? Especially when I've just added a cup or two of dry ingredients. Let me tell you, from experience, that a little flour can go a LONG ways. With a quick flip of the switch I had a big mess.
Life is full of messes.
Mistakes are made on a daily basis.
Some of those mistakes just have bigger consequences than others.
A messy diaper stain on the carpet will always be hidden under the couch,
but spilled juice is an easy pick-up (though it's sticky, sticky, sticky).
A hot glue gun drip made a life-scar on my counter-top,
but forgotten homework isn't remembered for long.
Big mistakes will usually have big consequences,
but little mistakes can sometimes result in big messes too.
I want our kids to learn from their mistakes,
and even live with some of the consequences of their decisions.
But I also want them to know that God can make beauty out of ashes.
Lord, thank you for Alyssa and Kyle and the work you are doing in their lives. You are forever present, continually faithful, and patiently pursuing them day by day. I know that they will make mistakes in life, and I pray that they will seek your intervention and help when the consequences and messes seem too big. Soften their hearts to be receptive to instruction and learning in the midst of their mistakes, and repentance when they know that they've done wrong. Lord, bestow on Alyssa and Kyle a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting for the display of your splendor.

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