My boys love to fish. I can’t say that I totally understand, but I do love to see the joy on their faces when they come home with a good catch. Now sitting in my chair along the river, reading my book, “hooking” a grand story line and a happy ending, is MY kind of fishing.
Kyle (and probably his dad too) gets so thrilled when a fishing trip is planned that he often finds it hard to get to sleep the night before. It doesn’t matter how early they have to get up, or how far they have to drive, Kyle is ready to go! He’s on fire to go get those fish and has great aspirations to beat his dad in the number of fish he gets, and in the size of the fish. You go, Kyle!
Back in 2005, when Kyle was eight years old, he was so excited about the opportunity to go fishing with his friend Luke. It didn’t matter that they were driving 3 hours away, he just wanted to catch a fish. Before heading to bed the night before the big trip, he and his dad, prayed that their trip would be fruitful.
After they arrived to the “best fishing hole ever”, they pulled out their poles, hooked on the worms, and began the big hunt. They caught a few little fish here and there, but Kyle was hoping for something a bit bigger. He waited and waited for the big catch of the day. After some time, Kyle’s pole gave a big jerk, and on the other end of the line was the biggest fish he had ever caught.
soon as the “big one” was landed, Kyle shared with his dad, that as he
sat there waiting, he began to pray to God for a bigger fish. At the
exact moment he was praying, some poor fish thought he would eat a worm
for lunch.
God had answered his prayers.
Sure, it may be a little thing (you know, it was just a fish), but I believe it’s a BIG reminder of how great our God is! My hope is that it taught my son a lesson he will remember for the rest of his life. God hears, and God answers, when we pray. If Kyle can grasp that truth about God now, he will be ready to take the bigger things in life and entrust them to His care, asking Him to cover his needs, hopes, and fears.
The other thing I hope Kyle never forgets, is that God doesn’t just answer the “important prayers”, but He wants to shower us with the desires of our hearts. He doesn’t just take care of our needs, but desires to fulfill our wants too. What an amazing God!
Lord, what an amazing God you are! Not only do you provide for our needs, but you also shower us with blessing and give us the desires of our hearts when we delight ourselves in you. I pray that our children delight themselves in you. I pray that they learn that prayer is vital in their relationship with you. It is their opportunity to speak to you about the concerns of their heart, and you hear them when they come to you. Prayer is also the way they get to know you better, and hear your heart. Lord, may Alyssa and Kyle always remember that you are God, and that you love them deeply, May they know that they can come to you with their needs, and share with you their desires, and you will hear their prayers. Lord, thank you for loving us that much!

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