My two boys are faithful, long-time Denver Bronco fans. Recently, their love for their team has grown to include a deep admiration for their quarterback, Tim Tebow.
If you are anywhere near a television these days, you can hear commentary, discussions and debates about the outspoken, and strongly demonstrative believer on the Broncos. This man is a wonderful example, in my mind, of how someone can be in the public eye, play sports, make lots of money, and still give a loud testimony of loving and living for Jesus Christ.
There has even been a new word added to the "Urban Dictionary" and an entire website to "Tebowing". It's a phenomenon that is catching, and being copied by many.
"Tebowing"= (verb) to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.
Now that is an athlete that I don't my kids following.
I am praying that Alyssa and Kyle have a faith so deep, wide, and strong, that they will never fear giving God all the glory for their accomplishments and blessings. Maybe it will look like "tebowing", and maybe not. Either way, may they always give God all the praise, honor and glory with their lives!
"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Timothy 1:17
Lord you are our strength and song; you are my salvation. Please become Alyssa and Kyle's God, and may they praise you exalt your name forever. You alone are their rock and their salvation; you, Father are their fortress, they will never be shaken. Alyssa and Kyle's salvation comes from you alone. With every breath, I pray that they give you all the praise, honor and glory. May their actions and their words always be a reflection and representation of you living in their hearts. Lord, be their firm foundation. God, your solid foundation stands firm, and is sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his." I pray that Alyssa and Kyle's lives are always marked by you, dear Jesus, and that they shout it from the mountaintop so that the whole world around them knows whom they believe in. Lord, you are so good, so faithful, and so true. May we abide with you forever!