I popped in to see Lyssa at college this weekend. It was fun to see her in her environment and get little glimpses of all her hard work. Saturday she spent 6 hours in the art room working on her clay project that is due today (pictured above). First, I was impressed that she was spending her Saturday working. And second, that she was doing her work ahead of the game!
Hard work always pays off!
Kyle has been working out, practicing, and putting in a lot of hours on the baseball field. It's fun to watch him do well and succeed this season. We're only beginning, but I know there are good things to come.
Hard work always pays off!
Last night at dinner Kyle went through the list off projects, papers, and tests that are happening this week before spring break hits. The list seems a bit daunting along with baseball practice each night after school and two baseball games. He's going to have to be disciplined and diligent in what little time he has each evening.
Hard work always pays off!
I can't wait to see what comes of Alyssa and Kyle's hard work!
Lord, I pray that you bless the work of Alyssa and Kyle's hands. Give them a strong determination to work hard, do everything to the best of their ability, and follow through with all of their responsibilities. Grow their desire to put forth every ounce of effort they can into their work. May whatever Alyssa and Kyle do, be done enthusiastically, as something done for you Lord and not for men. There is profit in all hard work, but endless talk leads only to poverty. Hard work always pays off! I pray that Alyssa and Kyle are hard workers!

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