Baseball season is in full swing! (No pun intended. Ha!)
Oh how I love watching my boy do his thing on the field, even though there are times I struggle with the weather conditions and the busy schedule. I will always love cheering him on.
I haven't said much here, but Kyle made the Varsity team this year and we are so proud of him. We will continue to be in the stands cheering him on over the next months. Rain, snow flurries, or major heat waves, you'll catch me in the stands.
One thing I've been impressed with so far is that, even in making Varsity as a sophomore, Kyle doesn't flaunt his success, gloat about his excitement, or brag about his abilities. In fact, he seems to present quite the opposite (at least in my presence). Most people are unaware of his getting onto the Varsity team. Even after a good game, I find that Kyle is a little uncomfortable talking about the ways he did well. He kind of nods his head, gives a slight grin, and tries to change the subject.
Pride can so easily get in the way and leave an ugly taste in our mouth when we see it in others, yet can move so quickly from humility to haughtiness when it comes from our own lips. I hate it when I catch an over-the-top pride in myself.
Pride will mess up my sweet son and I pray that he will always remain humble, kind, and an encourager to others.
Lord, I pray that my son (and daughter with her successes) lives with humility, never letting success and power bring an ugly pride that leads to his downfall. Keep him humble in his successes, and sensitive to those around him, never making himself higher or better than the least person. Humility shines in more beautiful ways. I pray, dear Jesus, that Kyle will always give you the credit for his gifts and abilities, and never take them for granted.

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