"But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.” Colossians 3:8
have some great family memories from camping; from when I was a kid,
and then when I had kids of my own. As a parent, I often wish that we
had been better at fitting in times to take the family to the mountains to
make memories that my kids will remember for a lifetime as well. I guess at least we have a few good memories to hold onto!
One of the camping trips we
went on, when the kids were little, wasn’t to the deep woods of a
forest, but it was just outside the city of Lewiston, Idaho along the
Snake River. With little ones it was nice to have a place with
bathrooms and electricity, and be close to a town if we needed
anything. I have many fun childhood memories camping at this park as
Even though this campground is close to town, it still felt
like we were away from civilization and were getting a “real” camping
experience. We even had the opportunity to see some wildlife. Alyssa
was probably about four years old, and she absolutely loved the family
of skunks that happened to wander through our campground. How cute is a
mama skunk and her two little babies? Oh my. In the daytime, we could
watch them at a distance, but in the pitch black of night you had no
idea where they were and how to stay clear. I think that was scarier than the thought of a bear out in the woods.
Of course, little Alyssa wanted to
follow them, maybe get a little closer, and hold one of those
sweet little babies. Baby animals are so cuddly looking, you know? It was hard
to explain to her that those precious little creatures wouldn’t be so
“precious” if they decided to defend themselves. Even baby skunks can
make quite a stink.
The same is true with the words that come
from our mouths. It only takes a few foul words, swearing or just plain
unkind, to stink things up. Our words have the power to encourage or
discourage, to build up or tear down, and the moment we speak someone
can decide if we are friend or foe. Our words are a reflection of what
is in our heart, and it only takes a little “stink” to overpower,
infiltrate, and impact someone's heart, and prove that ours is in
need of some serious cleaning up.
I pray that the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be pleasing to Him! And I'll pray that for my little "stinkers" as well!
thank you for the reminder of the power of our words and the need to be careful how we speak. This is a lesson that I pray Alyssa and Kyle can learn now, early in life. With our words we can worship you and give
you glory, or we can bring shame and dishonor, to you or to others. From the lips of children
and infants you have ordained praise. Pleasant words are a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Oh the lessons we need to learn, and the practice we need to have when it comes to the words of our mouth. Please help rid Alyssa and Kyle of anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from their lips.
Lord, open their mouths so that they will declare your
praise every moment of every day.