"I will climb up to my watchtower
and stand at my guardpost.
There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint." Habakkuk 2:1
Sometimes I have to be intentional in my watch for God-sightings in my life, and other times they hit me over the head as if to say "pay attention"! Standing guard and being watchful takes discipline, intention, and sometimes work. However, I know God never fails to show up in our lives! Here's a sampling of the ways I saw God in our lives this week!
A movie date with my hubby.
A graduation party with 5 graduates from our church.
A generous church family. So many cards and gifts.
A shopping date with my boy.
A funny church service on Sunday. Laughter is good.
A Father's Day outing...zoo and pizza. Two favorites!
Father's day s'mores around the new fire pit. (God sighting because in Ken's sermon he commented on how he longed for more family moments on the back porch, and we hadn't even given him the gift we had bought yet.)
First purchases for college.
Lunch with dear friends.
Kyle pitched an inning, which he hasn't done in a year, and did awesome!
This is my 900th blog post. Wowza!
God is good.
All the time!
Lord, as I stand and take a look around, I see you in our lives in so many ways. You are present everywhere, and when I take the time to open my eyes, I can see that I am blessed. Thank you for hearing my prayers for my family and thank you for being continually at work molding us, guiding us, and leading us closer towards you! Sometimes I come to you with complaints, and sometimes lay my worries at your feet, and you are always faithful to answer. I am blessed, So very blessed, to be your daughter!

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