Brother and Sister (1998)
Sometimes this world is a scary place. And sometimes that "scary" stuff looks pretty attractive, fun, and harmless. Sometimes it appears to be so "cool".
"Everyone does it!"
"All my friends have it."
"Well, their mom let's them go."
Do we as Christians, look different than the world around us? Unfortunately, sometimes not a whole lot. We allow ourselves to participate, or partake of things, that don't necessarily reflect Christ.
"Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 20:7
Holiness...The state of quality of being holy; perfect moral integrity or purity; freedom from sin; sanctity; innocence. The adjective "holy," as applied to persons, is thus defined: spiritually whole or sound; of unimpaired innocence and virtue: free from sinful affections: pure in heart; godly; pious; irreproachable; guiltless, acceptable to God.
It's a daily choice, to not follow the selfish desires of our heart, or the temptations that the enemy places in our paths, but God asks us to be be holy. To be in this world, but not of it.
Lord, you call your children to "be holy", but without you in our lives holiness is an impossibility. Because we are human, we will always be unholy, but we can make choices in our lives that help us to more reflect holiness in our lives. My prayer is not that you take our children out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one, and you help them to choose purity, integrity, innocence, and godliness. Holy Spirit, move in my children when they are tempted to participate in something that doesn't fall in line with your desires for their lives. Give them an uncomfortableness and "squirmy" feeling when they are in the presence of evil, or something that will void your holiness in their lives. Help their choices to reflect the holiness that you desire for their lives. Encourage them as they are in this world, to be not a part of worldly things. Holiness, for me and my children, Lord, is what I long for.

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