I am always thanking the Lord for my kids! Sure, parenting is hard sometimes, but the blessings far outweigh the stress, fears, struggles.
Today, I'm rejoicing over the "masterpieces" He has created!
- Lyss loves taking hold of her camera and finding ways to take beautiful pictures. This week, she printed and framed a couple of her favorites (shown here) and entered them into an auction at church to raise money for our friend who is going to Haiti this summer. I think this was Lyssa's first sale of her art and it was one proud moment. For her and for her parents! And it made a big donation to a good cause! God is good!
- Kyle came home one day this week pleased that he was one of a few who got an "A" on their English paper. Yeah!!! And then last night he announces he got "most improved", with the prize being a sucker (what every kid wants!), for going from a failing grade on a pre-test to a 98% on the actual exam!
- I love the humor God has given my kids. They can be so funny and sometimes just make me laugh until I have tears coming out my eyes. They definitely have a few of Ken's genes.
- I've been reminded to be thankful for their health, their stick-to-it-ness in their schoolwork, and their kindness to others.
I've got me some GOOD kids, by golly!
Thank you, dear Jesus, for the precious kids you have blessed our lives with. Thank you for the masterpieces they are...each beautiful and unique in their own ways. Alyssa and Kyle have both been created to do good things, things you've been planning for them to do. Thank you for their gifts and talents. Thank you for their strengths, and even their weaknesses. You have created them both in amazing ways. Thank you, Lord, for Alyssa and Kyle. Oh how I love them!

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