If a mom and dad get this excited about their freshman son playing on the Varsity baseball team, how much more crazy-excited will they be when they know without a shadow of a doubt that their kids are living their lives for God?!?!?
Oh what a day of rejoicing that will be!
Lord, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle will always know that you are their God and Savior. May they confess with their mouth that you are Lord, and believe in their heart that you raised Jesus from the dead to save them. You are the One who loves them, forgives them, and grants them success in their lives. You are their Light, their Bread of Life, and their Beloved Shepherd. I pray that you will always be their Lord and Savior. May they choose this day whom they will serve and live always as your son and daughter!

Tresa- I love your blogs! They inspire me everyday, I'm glad I stumbled across On My Knees.
P.S. great job to Kyle!
AWESOME, Kyle!! So proud of you.
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