It's Spring! (Photo by Lyss)
My blog has a new look to it. (I bet you couldn't tell!)
My hair finally got a touch up.
And daily I find myself becoming a new creation in Christ.
I love transformations! Maybe that is why it thrills me that spring is on its way!
Lord, I pray that as Alyssa and Kyle live in you, they become new creations; the old having gone and the new making an appearance. I pray that the Holy Spirit moves their hearts to become more and more like you. When they come to your Word, because it is living and active, and sharper than any double-edged sword, may it penetrate even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. Lord, use your Word to judge the thoughts and attitudes of Alyssa and Kyle's heart, transforming them into who you want them to be. Make them beautiful in your sight, dear Jesus! May they always be yours!

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