Old photo of my mom, grandpa, and myself.
I was recently reminiscing with my mom about the time I gasped at her using a bad word. She had no memory of the incident, but it forever was burned in my brain. The funny part of the story is that the word really wasn't a foul word, but in the 4th grade I was sure she needed to have her mouth washed out with soap.
I don't know how I missed the phase in my life where foul language was "cool" or okay, but I did. I never had an interest in using those words that left a bad taste in my mouth and heart. I always thought it marred the beauty of the one speaking.
And by golly, it was one of the 10 commandments. Ha! I remember sitting in the back seat of my preacher-grandpa's car when he came down on me for saying "gosh" because it was the same as taking the Lord's name in vain. Let me tell you, I didn't do that again in his presence.
Today, people don't think twice at saying "gosh" or any other four-letter word. I've even had people use foul language when talking to me (the pastor's wife, mind you) at church. And every time I find myself cringing. Are we so desensitized to the ugliness of those words that we can flippantly use them left and right without a second thought?
Oh how I want my kids to have a sensitive spirit when it comes to those ugly words, and a distaste in their mouth when they are tempted to follow after whats "normal", "cool", and "not-a-big-deal." They look so much more like Jesus when they have clean mouths.
So, before I close, you may be wondering what the bad, bad, bad word was that my mom used. You'll laugh I'm sure. Can you believe she dared to call me a NERD?
Oh yes she did!
Lord, our words say so much about who we are and who we live for. I pray that you help Alyssa and Kyle to be sensitive and careful about what they allow to come out of their mouths. For it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person. Please make their spirits sensitive to curse words and using profanity, and to always be persistent and conscious to speak as you would desire them to. Help them to put away all anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from their mouths. You are pleased when Alyssa and Kyle's words pure, right, just and kind. Urge our children, Father, to always live according to your will and pleasure.

1 comment:
Okay, now I've been publicly "outed" for my bad mouth!!!
Does it help any that I love NERDS?
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