Sometime Thursday night life got too hard.
Sometime Thursday night desperation hit its deepest level.
Sometime Thursday night a sophomore at my son's school decided he could handle no more.
Sometime Thursday night this young man took his last breath.
Sometime Thursday night a mother and father lost their young son.
Oh how I pray that there is not a "sometime" in Alyssa and Kyle's life. I pray that life never gets so hard that they want to give up and give in. I pray that they never experience a deep desperation to leave this world. I pray that when they are discouraged they can find help, hope, and healing.
We all know that in this world we will have trouble, but I hope my children know whom they believe, and are convinced that He is able to guard what they entrust to him for that day. (2 Timothy 1:12)
God has come so that they may have life and that it may be abundant. I pray that they know this full well.
Lord, thank you for the abundant life you have for Alyssa and Kyle. I know that in this world they will experience trouble, heartache, loneliness, and fear, but with you they can overcome all these things. Help Alyssa and Kyle live in the knowledge that they are your children, they are loved, and you are always with them even when the days seem dark and impossible. Fill our children with hope, joy and strength as they experience hard times. May Alyssa and Kyle know and believe in you as their personal Savior, and be convinced that you are able to guard each and every thought, feeling and fear that they entrust to you. You never sleep or slumber, dear Jesus, and are there when they call on your name. Lord, be Alyssa and Kyle's every hope and joy!

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