Lyss (1995)
Baths were always a fun time when our kids were little. Bubbles, toys, and splashing were always a delight until it came time for the washing of the hair. Oh the torture. Often there would be tears, struggles, and gasps as the water fell over their heads.
And don't you just love the smell of a freshly bathed baby. I kind of miss those days.
Kyle (1998)
Washing is sometimes not an easy task. Check out the Old Testament for proof. There were rules and tasks that had to happen for ceremonial cleansing. Elisha told Naaman, a commander of the kings army who had leprosy, that he needed to wash himself in the Jordan river seven times. Can you imagine telling your kid that they are going to have to bathe seven times in order to be clean? I remember well the torture when baths needed to become a more common occurence than twice a week. Oh my.
I'm thankful that God had a different plan for His people, and that internal cleansing comes just by asking Jesus to wash us clean!
A heavenly bath!
Dear Precious Savior, thank you for cleansing us from within, and making that cleansing available to each one of us. I pray that you make Alyssa and Kyle sensitive to the sin in their lives and their true need for you. Sin can quench your Holy Spirit from being heard and felt in their lives, but as they repent and seek you for forgiveness and cleansing, their hearts will be open and available to hear your still small voice. Lord, wash away Alyssa and Kyle's iniquity and cleanse them from their sin. Thank you, dear Jesus, for making us beautiful and presentable in your sight. May Alyssa and Kyle be forever yours!

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