Friday, January 13, 2012

No Mountain Too High

"I will go before you and will level the mountains."
Isaiah 45:2

Alyssa and Kyle making the climb (2005)
I remember the first time we took our kids to Camel's Back Park here in Boise.  Alyssa and Kyle's eyes were huge, as they took in the hill we were encouraging them to climb.  Of course, they experienced no fear as they took on the challenge and made their way to the top of the hill. Taking one step of the climb at a time, they were soon on top of the world.

There will be "mountains" that seem too big to climb in their lives.  Today the mountains look like end of the semester finals, relationships with friends, or busy schedules.  Later in life, the mountains may feel a bit more impossible.

I pray that my kids look at those challenges, much like they did the hill at the park...possible, as long as they take one step at a time.  And better yet, I pray that they recognize God is with them, and He will take some of those "mountains" and make them just little bumps in the road.

As long as they "fix their eyes" on Him, they will conquer those big mountains.

 On top of the mountain!

Oh Lord, help our children to find peace, strength, and success as they face mountains in their lives.  When the journey seems too hard, I pray that they learn to fix their eyes on you, who is the author and perfecter of their faith, and experience your peace that passes all understanding.  Grant them the courage to take one step at a time, the wisdom to follow where you lead, and look to you when fear seems to stop them in their tracks.  I pray that they trust you, dear Jesus, whenever they come face to face with a mountain that seems too big.  If it be your will, take those mountains and level them.  I praise you, Father, for your near and precious presence in our lives. 

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