God is always doing great things in our lives, so that we can be fully aware that He is present and active, and know that He loves us.
- Kyle finished his first semester of high school with some great grades! I'm proud of how well he has adjusted to his new school. He actually acts like he's having fun!
- Lyssa's facebook status made me smile. God does answer prayers! For years, I have been praying that our girl would love school, and enjoy learning. I'll take this as a little sign of God's work in her life!
- Lyss found a $100 bill in the mall parking lot this week. After a bit of searching for the owner, she shared part with her brother, bought her dad and brother a pretzel at the mall, and then came home with a Dutch Bros. coffee for me. I felt blessed by her thoughtfulness...lucky girl.
- This may be a "funny" blessing, but I was given 2 dozen eggs at church this week, and was just truly grateful for my friend's generosity. Silly, I know.
- Lyss had her Bible quiz meet cancelled due to the snow (thank you, Lord for her protection), and in place of the 10 hour trip, her quiz team went bowling together for the afternoon. I have to admit that I was surprised she went AND she bowled. Her least favorite thing in the world. I'm so glad she was willing to go out and do something she doesn't normally do...and enjoy it!

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