"Then he opened their minds so they could
understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:45
understand the Scriptures." Luke 24:45
"Young adults are significantly less likely than older adults to strongly agree that the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches. Just 30% of Mosaics (ages 18-25) and 39% of Busters (ages 26-44) firmly embraced this view, compared with 46% of Boomers (ages 45-63) and 58% of Elders (ages 64+).
While many young adults are active users of the Bible, the pattern shows a clear generational drop-off – the younger the person, the less likely then are to read the Bible. In particular, Busters and Mosaics are less likely than average to have spent time alone in the last week praying and reading the Bible for at least 15 minutes. Interestingly, none of the four generations were particularly likely to say they aspired to read the Bible more as a means of improving their spiritual lives." The Barna Group, October, 2009I love my Bible, and I want my kids to love their Bibles too.
Being in ministry, I regularly find people who struggle to spend time in the Word. They don't understand it, they are frightened by what it says, or maybe they don't find it applicable to their lives. Sometimes I mourn people's choice to set the Scriptures aside and allow others to teach it to them second hand. Though that is better than nothing, I long for others to fall in love with His Word, and choose to soak in it daily. Especially my kids.
Lord, your Word is so sweet, and it tells of your love for your children. Your Word speaks to us about who you are, and allows us to know you intimately. Holy Spirit, open Alyssa and Kyle's minds so they can understand your Scriptures, and cone to know you in a personal way. Give them a hunger and thirst to dig deeper, understand more fully, and hide Your Word in their heart. Lord, when they open the pages of Scripture, may the words come alive to them, and they hear you, God of the Universe, speaking to them in personal ways. Thank you for your Word. Thank you that it's living and active, and speaks to our condition. Lord, you are so good!

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