Alyssa with "trampoline hair"...1999
Pinocchio gave me an idea when it came to teaching my children about lies. I remember feeling that I needed some way to convince my little ones that I knew when they were fibbing. So, one day, it just slipped out of my mouth..."I know you are not telling me the truth. Did you guys know that when you lie, you're hair starts sticking up?" Their eyes grew big, and their hands went to the top of their heads, looking quickly to the mirror.
Yesterday the kids and I had a good laugh at my old fib about fibbing. As they have gotten older they have learned the truth about my tale, and it no longer works like it used to, but I'm trusting that God will check their spirit whenever they are tempted to lie. I pray that truth will always be on their lips.
If not, their mom might just say, "Is your hair sticking up?"
O, Lord, our mouths can get us in such trouble sometimes. Often our words don't reflect your presence in our lives. I pray that you help guard our children's tongues, and that no matter how hard it is, that they always choose to tell the truth. May your Spirit always cause a check in their hearts and minds when they are tempted to lie. May speaking false always cause a bitter taste in their mouths, and an unsettled feeling in their spirit. A tongue cannot speak lies, and at the same time honor you. I pray, Lord, that they will always glorify you with the words of their mouths.

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