On Tuesday, my daughter blessed my socks off.
We're busy, busy, busy with Vacation Bible School, baseball, and getting Alyssa ready to head out on her missions trip to Mexico. Needless to say, this mama has been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. One of the difficulties has been getting all that my daughter needs for her trip. We've had several shopping trips, but we just haven't found everything. So, a friend took Lyss shopping on Tuesday, to see if they could finish it up. They came back with all but one thing...now that's something to be thankful for, let me tell you!
And besides the things they purchased, my daughter's hand beheld a large raspberry ice tea from Sonic...one of my favorites! I don't know why it surprised me so, but I felt totally loved.
One of those little moments that make a mom thankful for her life!
Lord, thank you for the joy that comes from being a mother, and for the little glimpses that they are "turning out" alright! I love seeing you at work in our children's lives, and how they are becoming more and more like you! Oh the hope it gives me! Lord, continue to make Alyssa and Kyle compassionate, thoughtful and encouraging to those around them. Thinking of others doesn't always come naturally, but changes as they grow up. Lord, you have given us beautiful children, and I give you all the thanks and praise!

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