Kyle pitching...June 3, 2010
Recently I asked Kyle if pitching made him nervous?
"No" he replied.
Does it make you nervous when you know there's a really good hitter up to bat?
"No", he replied.
Are you nervous knowing your other coaches are watching you pitch?
How about when the bases are loaded? Do you get nervous then?
"No", he replied, this time with the rolling of his eyes. Almost like a "Duh, Mom."
Well, I guess I'm the only one who is nervous then. I love watching him pitch, but there seems to be so much pressure. I'm glad that when he gets up to the mound he doesn't experience any debilitating fear, anxiety, or worry, but lives with a confidence that he can do it. My prayer is that remains true as he grows into adulthood and will face bigger challenges in life. May Kyle live in the confidence that God is with Him always, He will supply all that he needs, and that no matter what happens he is deeply loved.
"Confidence comes not from always being right
but from not fearing to be wrong." Peter T. Mcintyre
Tonight, Kyle pitched an amazing inning...3 outs with only 10 pitches! Way to go, Kyle!
Lord, all that you've created is good...and that even includes each of your children. Thank you for fearfully and wonderfully making each of our children, giving them each such beautiful gifts and talents. In those gifts, I see an amazing confidence and strength. Continue to build in Alyssa and Kyle a determination that they can do anything as long as you're beside them, providing all the strength, wisdom, and peace that they need to complete their job, move forward, and excel. Help them to always look past their fears and doubts, and depend on you to lead, guide, and provide all that they may be lacking, in order to stand firm in their callings. Never let fear and anxiety overtake them. May their confidence always come from you, and in the knowledge that they are your child and you are with them, loving them no matter the outcome. I know you have great things planned for their lives, and those plans aren't for harm, but they are for good. Oh, dear Jesus, I can't wait to see those plans unfold in their lives. May their confidence come from knowing you!

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