Oh. the days have been long over the last week, but I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just finished Vacation Bible School, watching Kyle play at a baseball tournament, and getting Alyssa packed for her missions trip to Mexico. We're heading to Oregon this morning to drop her off. It's been a crazy whirlwind over the last 2 weeks, but I can testify that God has given me just the strength I have needed for each day. (Now if I could just get Him to give me all the extra minutes I need for each day. Ha!)
In the process of my busy life, I've been tempted to let a few commitments slide...one of them being this blog. I committed to the Lord I would write a prayer each day for my kids. I'm not sure how long He's asking me to keep it going, but some days it's a real struggle to figure out how to fit it in. But a commitment is a commitment...and I'm not sure I want to break a promise with God.
In my kids lives, especially with each other, promises are easily made, and promises are easily broken. Unfortunately, our world is not big on keeping commitments either...in marriages, jobs, and even church. It's so easy to not follow through when the going gets tough.
Today, I pray that my kids go against the grain, and become promise keepers.
Lord, your Word says that it is better to not make a vow, than to make a vow and not keep it. I pray that our children become promise keepers, and choose wisely before uttering words of commitments. Give them the endurance to work hard, when the promise no longer seems attractive, easy, or worth the effort. When things seem hard, may they look to you Lord for guidance, courage, and encouragement. I pray that our kids don't cringe at the thought of commtiment and promises, but go forward only when lead by you, dear Jesus. Above all, may Alyssa and Kyle commit to you, and live their lives out of that commitment, all their days.

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