Father and Son...1998
Lord, thank you for holding our hand through life, and walking faithfully beside us. When we are afraid, or don't know our way, you lovingly lead us and reassure us with your presence. I pray, Lord, that like a human father, you'll gently take our children by the hand and lead them in the way they should go. Your hand brings strength and courage, when circumstances are hard. It brings support and reassurance, when the days seem overwhelming and dark. The gentle touch of your hand fills your children with confidence, love, and hope. Your arms of comfort are tender and loving to all you have made. Your gentle hand is life giving, and offers a safety that the world cannot give. Lord, hold our children's hand through thick and thin. Guide them into your most perfect will for their lives. Lead them into your presence day by day. Lord, your hand beautifully draws us to you, and in the shelter of your arms. Thank you, for holding on tight to your children!

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