Monday, November 19, 2012



"A patient man has great understanding, 
but a quick-tempered man displays folly."  Proverbs 14:29

I'll be the first to admit that patience hasn't always been my greatest of virtues.  If there is one thing I could go back and change about myself, especially in the early years of my children's lives, is my quick temper when times were stressful.  Oh the nasty temper in stress!

But God is in the business of change and transformation.  From the inside out He can take what is not lovely, and make it beautiful and pleasing to Him.  Thank goodness.

I pray that Alyssa and Kyle don't face the same struggle of having a quick temper and being short on patience.  As they deal with friends, experience hard bosses/teachers, drive down the road, meet someone of the opposite sex, get married, and have children, I pray that they can reflect a strength and patience that comes from Jesus living in their lives. Patience is an outward sign of maturity and Christ-likeness that will be seen in their words, actions, and responses.

My continual hope is that our children are better than me in everything, patience above all.

Lord,  you are the One in the business of changing and transforming lives.  Thank you for being continually at work in transforming me.  I pray that Alyssa and Kyle live patient lives, always being slow to respond, and full of grace.  Take those quick tempers and remove their deep roots, and in their place grow patience, calmness, and a powerful kindness that reflects your Holy Spirit living in them.  Thank you, dear Jesus, for making us new creations.

Pictures taken in 2008


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