Thursday, November 22, 2012

One Hundred Blessings

  1. My Savior, My God.
  2. God's daily grace and forgiveness.
  3. His transforming work in my life.
  4. The joy of walking with Him.
  5. He sings over me.
  6. My dear, sweet husband who loves me unconditionally.
  7. His passion for serving God and his family.
  8. His hardworking nature and consistent character.
  9. His role as a dad. 
  10. The joy on his face after a day of fishing.
  11. His discipline to get up early to exercise.
  12. His faithfulness to spend time in God's Word.
  13. His sweet prayers for me.
  14. My biggest cheerleader.
  15. My sweet daughter.
  16. Her strength and character to work through the hard things.
  17. Her creativity and photography talent.
  18. Her laughter and humor.
  19. Her senior high graduation.
  20. Salutatorian.  
  21. A new adventure as she headed off to college.
  22. My tender son.
  23. His athletic ability and stick-to-it attitude on the field.
  24. His consistency and hard work in school.
  25. His fun-loving spirit.
  26. Learning that he's been patient with all the years of food he doesn't like. 
  27. His changing voice (he's growing up!).
  28. My passionate God-loving Mom.
  29. Her love for my kids.
  30. Her story-telling and humor.
  31. Her willingness to speak wisdom and truth. 
  32. Pedicures together.
  33. My strong Father.
  34. His consistent and intentional walk with God.
  35. His hardworking mindset.
  36. His loving care of his family. 
  37. My sister and friend. 
  38. Her generous and giving spirit.
  39. Her walk with Christ and willing servants heart for her church.
  40. Her commitment to family and friends.
  41. Her husband and beautiful (and funny) kids.
  42. My mother-in-law and father-in-law who pray for our family daily.
  43. Extended family.
  44. A heritage of faithfulness.
  45. My sweet and consistent best friend and her walk with the Lord.
  46. Her daily emails.
  47. Her prayers and encouragement in life, parenting, and ministry. 
  48. Coffee/breakfast times. 
  49. My home and the shelter it gives.
  50. A place to lay my head.
  51. Appliances that make life easier.
  52. Funny, I know, but my towel warmer Spoiled girl.
  53. Cars that run.
  54. Our church.
  55. A place of worship, learning, service, laughter and love.
  56. My family away from family.
  57. New Associate Pastor and his wife.
  58. So many people that serve and give.
  59. Our small group.
  60. New and old youth workers who have influenced my kids lives.
  61. My Women's Bible study group.
  62. My faithful co-leader.
  63. Women who love Jesus and are passionate about their walk with God.
  64. The study of James.
  65. The spirit of generosity, encouragement, and sweet fellowship.
  66. A year of joy in trials.
  67. God's presence in the hard times.
  68. His strength being sufficient. 
  69. Family vacation to the Oregon Coast in August.
  70. The majesty of the ocean and beauty of the sunset.
  71. The gift of a cabin.
  72. Coffee times with friends. 
  73. A check to support my "coffee-ministry".
  74. A short-term, full-time job.
  75. And that it's over.  :)
  76. Money to spend for Christmas.
  77. God's strength was/is sufficient.
  78. My computer and phone to keep me connected.
  79. My blog that helps me to pray. 
  80. Generous friends.
  81. Pinochle nights.
  82. Books to read.
  83. Coffee.
  84. Chocolate pomegranate candies.
  85. My health.
  86. Sunshine streaming through the windows.
  87. Rainbows that remind me of God's promises. 
  88. Cameras that take pictures to capture special moments.
  89. A voice to sing in worship.
  90. Praying with a friend to accept the Lord. 
  91. Vision for a prayer emphasis.
  92. Delight of planning "Knock and Roll" party.
  93. Gift video covering 16 years of VBS ministry.
  94. God's Word.
  95. Bible Study Fellowship.
  96. Beth Moore homework.
  97. Sunday night prayer times are sweet to me.
  98. So many dear friends...I'll be in trouble if I begin to name them.
  99. People who actually read this blog and pray with and for me.
  100. Knowing God hears and answers prayer! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, so blessed! Love your list.
Love you! Pam