One Hundred Blessings
- My Savior, My God.
- God's daily grace and forgiveness.
- His transforming work in my life.
- The joy of walking with Him.
- He sings over me.
- My dear, sweet husband who loves me unconditionally.
- His passion for serving God and his family.
- His hardworking nature and consistent character.
- His role as a dad.
- The joy on his face after a day of fishing.
- His discipline to get up early to exercise.
- His faithfulness to spend time in God's Word.
- His sweet prayers for me.
- My biggest cheerleader.
- My sweet daughter.
- Her strength and character to work through the hard things.
- Her creativity and photography talent.
- Her laughter and humor.
- Her senior high graduation.
- Salutatorian.
- A new adventure as she headed off to college.
- My tender son.
- His athletic ability and stick-to-it attitude on the field.
- His consistency and hard work in school.
- His fun-loving spirit.
- Learning that he's been patient with all the years of food he doesn't like.
- His changing voice (he's growing up!).
- My passionate God-loving Mom.
- Her love for my kids.
- Her story-telling and humor.
- Her willingness to speak wisdom and truth.
- Pedicures together.
- My strong Father.
- His consistent and intentional walk with God.
- His hardworking mindset.
- His loving care of his family.
- My sister and friend.
- Her generous and giving spirit.
- Her walk with Christ and willing servants heart for her church.
- Her commitment to family and friends.
- Her husband and beautiful (and funny) kids.
- My mother-in-law and father-in-law who pray for our family daily.
- Extended family.
- A heritage of faithfulness.
- My sweet and consistent best friend and her walk with the Lord.
- Her daily emails.
- Her prayers and encouragement in life, parenting, and ministry.
- Coffee/breakfast times.
- My home and the shelter it gives.
- A place to lay my head.
- Appliances that make life easier.
- Funny, I know, but my towel warmer. Spoiled girl.
- Cars that run.
- Our church.
- A place of worship, learning, service, laughter and love.
- My family away from family.
- New Associate Pastor and his wife.
- So many people that serve and give.
- Our small group.
- New and old youth workers who have influenced my kids lives.
- My Women's Bible study group.
- My faithful co-leader.
- Women who love Jesus and are passionate about their walk with God.
- The study of James.
- The spirit of generosity, encouragement, and sweet fellowship.
- A year of joy in trials.
- God's presence in the hard times.
- His strength being sufficient.
- Family vacation to the Oregon Coast in August.
- The majesty of the ocean and beauty of the sunset.
- The gift of a cabin.
- Coffee times with friends.
- A check to support my "coffee-ministry".
- A short-term, full-time job.
- And that it's over. :)
- Money to spend for Christmas.
- God's strength was/is sufficient.
- My computer and phone to keep me connected.
- My blog that helps me to pray.
- Generous friends.
- Pinochle nights.
- Books to read.
- Coffee.
- Chocolate pomegranate candies.
- My health.
- Sunshine streaming through the windows.
- Rainbows that remind me of God's promises.
- Cameras that take pictures to capture special moments.
- A voice to sing in worship.
- Praying with a friend to accept the Lord.
- Vision for a prayer emphasis.
- Delight of planning "Knock and Roll" party.
- Gift video covering 16 years of VBS ministry.
- God's Word.
- Bible Study Fellowship.
- Beth Moore homework.
- Sunday night prayer times are sweet to me.
- So many dear friends...I'll be in trouble if I begin to name them.
- People who actually read this blog and pray with and for me.
- Knowing God hears and answers prayer!
1 comment:
Yes, so blessed! Love your list.
Love you! Pam
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