Monday, November 12, 2012

Making the Best Choice

A woman is bound to her husband 
as long as he lives. -- 1 Corinthians 7:39

He who finds a wife finds a good thing 
and obtains favor from the Lord.  
--Proverbs 18:22

One of my kids favorite outings used to be going to the "Dollar Store".  In my mind, $1 per child was a cheap investment for a little fun.  Boy, did I soon learn that it was no easy adventure. 

One dollar to spend in a land of 10,000 choices is hard work.

Lyssa would spend minute after minute trying to make sure she invested her resources on just the right thing.  She would handle one thing, and then pace the aisles to make sure she wasn't missing anything better.  Then she would decide something else looked better, and if we'd let her, she'd go round and round like this for an hour (or two or three). 

Truth be told, though it was annoying beyond belief at times, I like this characteristic in my daughter and I pray that she takes her time to investigate, pray over, and is just as picky when it comes to choosing a husband. 

My kids taking their sweet time, to make the right decision in this department, is one thing I won't be impatient with.

Lord, I know you intend that marriage is forever and that you have just the perfect mate for our children out there in the world.  I pray that Alyssa and Kyle seek you first as they go out looking for the one they will give their life to.  You will bless and lead them as they come to you for wisdom and understanding.  I pray that Alyssa finds a man who will love her just as you loved the church and gave your life for it.  I pray that this man will be patient, loving, kind, and keeps no records of wrongs.  I pray the same for Kyle and that he finds a wife who will respect him in speech and action.  May Alyssa and Kyle find mates that bring them great joy and happiness, and help them grow in their faith of you.  Thank you, Lord, for hearing this mother's prayer.


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