After 36 hours of labor,
and who knows how many contractions,
our little "banana head" (named by the doctor upon delivery) was born.
The first time in her life in which she made an early morning appearance.
Her first kiss came from her sweet Grammy.
Alyssa, 3 days old, Mother's Day with Grammy
Cinco de Mayo
Bill Clinton was President of the United States.
O.J. Simpson was big news.
The World Series was canceled due to a labor strike.
A postage stamp was $0.29.
A gallon of gas $1.11
The Lion King and Forrest Gump were the top movies.
More importantly, this amazing and beautiful baby girl, impacted our quiet little life in an earth-shattering kind of way (when I was 4 months pregnant we experienced the Northridge, 6.7 magnitude, earthquake.).
Alyssa Maree is our greatest souvenir from our three year stint in southern California.
Oh, and there were big transitions in that first year.
Moving to Idaho.
And greatest of all...
Sleeping through the night.
Before she turned a year old, Alyssa loved
binkies (yes, plural),
her bumble ball,
and sleeping in her bouncy seat.
It's hard to believe that today, 18 years later, we're celebrating more new transitions...
Graduation (21 days away).
Moving away from home.
College out of state.
We are proud of the young woman our baby has become, and know that God has great things in store for her life. We look forward to watching His plan unfold in her life as she continues to learn, grow, and follow Him with her life.
Happy Birthday, Lyssa!
I'll love you forever.
I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be.
Lord, thank you for the beautiful girl you have blessed our lives with. She is fearfully and wonderfully made by you, and I know that all the days ordained for her were written in your book before one of them came to be. You have plans for her and as she seeks you with all of her heart, she will find you! Guide her, precious Savior. Remind her of your deep and everlasting love. Draw close to her each day. I know, that just like her parents, you are enthralled with her beauty. Thank you, dear Jesus, for our precious daughter, Lyssa Maree.

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