Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I pray that you are spending the day rejoicing, in fellowship with loved ones, and eating some yummy food!
I love this season, and the opportunity it gives me to reflect on the many things I want to give God thanks for. The list is long, but I'll share a few with you on this ultimate "Thankful Thursday"!
- This year has been marked by God's healing in many ways...physically, emotionally, and spiritually. God has been faithful to be actively present even in ways we didn't/don't understand.
- Even in dark hours of grief, God has been present.
- Time with our extended family through the year has been rich.
- Our home has been a place of refuge and joy, and through a few home-improvement projects, I feel abundantly blessed to have a place that is "ours".
- Friendships are a treasure beyond words.
- God's confirmation of ministry and calling leave me in awe.
- We pastor a loving church family, and it's been a year of spiritual growth and changed lives. It's amazing we that we've been here 17 1/2 years. How time flies when you're having fun!
- Transition to a new school has been smooth sailing for Kyle.
- Lyssa has her drivers license, and Kyle is not far behind her. Oh my babies are growing up.
- Senior pictures taken, college applications filled out, and the countdown to graduation is quickly passing us by.
- A hardworking, God-fearing, gentle, and loving hubby.
- A strong, sensitive, passionate, and God-loving daughter.
- A gregarious, athletic, disciplined, sensitive young man who loves the Lord.
- A Savior who is living, active, and always present with me.
The list grows long, but is in no way exhaustive. The Lord is so good to me.
Thank you, dear Jesus, for loving us so much!

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