Today I'm thankful for the gifts and talents I have seen in my dear family this week. God has wonderfully made each one and I revel in His creation of the special people in my life. Oh how I love and adore them!
My Dear Hubby
As he walked along side our friends, as they were grieving the loss of their wife and mother (age 43, 29 days after she was diagnosed with cancer), I stood amazed at my hubby's compassion, strength, wisdom and peaceful presence in the midst of this great loss. God has gifted my man to help those who are hurting, and lead them into the presence of their one true Comforter. On a less "spiritual" side, he helps pull together details for a funeral, listen for needs, desires, and hopes in the planning, and pull together the perfect life sketch based on each family member's memories and delights of their lost loved one. You can see my dear hubby's desire to be of comfort to the family, but also his heart that everyone in attendance of the funeral will come to know the One who is the ultimate Savior, Healer and Provider of everything they need. I love my man, and these gifts (and so many more) that God has given him!
My Dear Daughter
I love the smile that brightens our dear daughter's face as she laughs and as she talks with others. She has this quick mind that jumps to funny play-on-words and sometimes she can "bring down the house." When she can get everyone chuckling around the table, my heart rejoices and gives God thanks...not only for her, but for the joy to be found when she is around. I also love her eye for beautiful things and how she can catch that beauty through her camera. And oh what a smart mind when it comes to her school work! God has fearfully and wonderfully made, my dear daughter. I love her dearly, and love these gifts (and so many more) that God has given her!
My Dear Son
Our boy is determined in everything he does and discipline marks his days. His room is organized and clean, he has a passion to keep fit, and every day he is very conscientious to get his homework done. Just the fact that he remembers to make his lunch at night before he goes to bed brings a smile to my face. To be the best baseball player he can be, he works hard to learn and improve, and lives like he can be the best. This week, even when he failed to make the basketball team at school, he didn't beat himself up or blame others. He took responsibility for his part, in a healthy way, and then focused on what he wanted to work on to improve. In everything, our boy strives to be the best he can be. Oh, and the joy he has found in his new school, and with so many friends! He has adjusted well and loves this new experience. I think this young man loves life! I love him so much, and love these gifts (and so many more) that God has given him.
Oh thank you, my precious Lord, for these beautiful people in my life. Thank you for making theme each so unique and special, reflecting you in beautiful ways. I pray that you help them to fan into flames the gifts that you have given them. You do not give them a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. My heart rejoices, in you my Savior, and the family you have blessed my life with. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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