I'm thankful today that God listens to me as I cry out my heart to Him on behalf of my children. Probably, even more than myself, He wants my children to come to know Him in a personal and passionate way. He wants them to fall in love with His Word. I'm even pretty sure that He wants them to love one another, live honest lives, and share Christ with others.
Thank you, Lord, for "hearing" my prayers, even as I type away here on my keyboard.
Thank you for hearing the prayers of everyone who reads this blog and is moved to pray for their own kids.
Thank you for understanding our worries and passing onto us Your peace.
Thank you, Lord, for being an active and present part of our lives.
Yeah God!!
Lord, I stand in awe of you! Oh how amazing you are! Thank you, Lord, for hearing my prayers, and listening to my cry for mercy on my children. You are always attentive, patient, and eager to be a part of our lives. Lord, because you turned your ear to me, I will call on you as long as I live.

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