God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil..." E.M. Bounds
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Hold Up My Arms, Dear Jesus!
"So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword." Exodus 17:10-13
My Precious Family...2009
Lord, in the busyness of this day, please remind my children that they are loved immensely. In the moments when I am not available, whether physically or mentally, may they know that they are two of the most important people in my life. Oh how I love how you've made them, dear Jesus, and how you've given them to me to enjoy, care for, and love. I don't always do my job adequately, so please fill in the gaps where I miss the mark. Lord, help me to be available and aware in the moments that they need a listening ear. Give me a boldness to speak truth into the areas where they wandering off your path. Open my eyes so that I can see clearly their needs, hurts, and fears. I cannot do this parenting thing alone, Father, so please hold my hand, and be the one to lift up my arms (like Aaron and Hur did for Moses) so this "battle" can be won for my children's lives and souls. Today, Jesus, I am on my knees seeking your strength, asking for your wisdom, and surrendering to you my job as a mom. And above all, I'm on my knees in worshiping you as my God, my Redeemer, and my all in all!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Trusting the Lord
Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
--Psalm 20:6-8
Lord, teach Alyssa and Kyle to trust you. Keep them from putting their trust in success, in others, or in the things of this world. Build their trust so that it's deep and wide, and strengthen their roots in you and grow them deep in you, dear Jesus. May they always trust in you and not men. (Psalm 146:3) Help Alyssa and Kyle to learn to always trust in you and not to lean on their own understanding, but in all their ways acknowledge you, for you will make their paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5, 6) Make their hearts willing and able to put their trust in you, all the days of their life. For blessed is the man who puts his hope and trust in you. (Psalm 84:12) When Alyssa and Kyle trust in you, Lord, I pray that they will prosper. (Proverbs 28:25) I know that they can trust in you Lord forever, for you Lord, the Lord, are the Rock eternal. (Isaiah 26:4)

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Our Forever Friend
"And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend." James 2:23
"Oh, for the days when I was in my prime, when God’s intimate friendship blessed my house..." Job 29:4
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
God is the greatest friend I, or my kids, could ever have.
He is completely trustworthy.
He is forever faithful.
He is abundantly generous.
He loves deeply.
He loves totally.
He loves forever.
He forgives.
He heals.
He teaches.
Oh how I long that Alyssa and Kyle have an intimate friendship with Him. He'll always prove to be their forever best friend.
This is my greatest prayer.
Lord, you are this world's dearest friend, and you have made it so that we can have a personal and intimate relationship with you. I pray, Father, that Alyssa and Kyle will chose to believe in you, revere you as the King of kings, and love you as one would love a friend. They need to know that they are loved unconditionally, accepted totally, and forgiven always. Lord, I pray that they know you as their best friend.

Friday, November 25, 2011
Family of Faith
"These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family, and in every province and in every city." Esther 9:28
This Thanksgiving our home is a buzz with activity. Cousins, Grammy and Papa, and Aunts and Uncles are here, there and everywhere. I love it when we are all together!
After the turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy, and all the trimmings had been eaten, we did the traditional share-time of what we were thankful for. Each family member racked their brain to figure out how to really express all that God had blessed them with this year. Life, air, and cheeseburgers were a few of the answers. But covering over everything, from one generation to another, was a thankfulness for God's presence in our lives. God is good.
I love that our kids can see and hear that truth from "every generation by every family". They are learning important truths, precious promises, and seeing God's faithful work in the lives of others, and they take those things and build and growth their own faith in our Lord. I'm thankful for those little moments where faith is being passed from one generation to another.
Reflecting on God's activity in our lives, celebrating our togetherness, and laughing at stories remembered makes for one wonderful day!
Thank you, dear Jesus for generations past that loved you and served you with their lives, and laid a foundation of faith in my life. And thank you, for the grandparents, and aunts and uncles, of today that speak faith and truth into Alyssa and Kyle's life. I pray, looking forward, that Alyssa and Kyle will in turn make the most of every opportunity to pass on their faith to future generations. You are good to us, Father, and we stand in huge thankfulness for a family who loves you! May future generations find us faithful.
Thanksgiving 2009
This Thanksgiving our home is a buzz with activity. Cousins, Grammy and Papa, and Aunts and Uncles are here, there and everywhere. I love it when we are all together!
After the turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy, and all the trimmings had been eaten, we did the traditional share-time of what we were thankful for. Each family member racked their brain to figure out how to really express all that God had blessed them with this year. Life, air, and cheeseburgers were a few of the answers. But covering over everything, from one generation to another, was a thankfulness for God's presence in our lives. God is good.
I love that our kids can see and hear that truth from "every generation by every family". They are learning important truths, precious promises, and seeing God's faithful work in the lives of others, and they take those things and build and growth their own faith in our Lord. I'm thankful for those little moments where faith is being passed from one generation to another.
Reflecting on God's activity in our lives, celebrating our togetherness, and laughing at stories remembered makes for one wonderful day!
Thank you, dear Jesus for generations past that loved you and served you with their lives, and laid a foundation of faith in my life. And thank you, for the grandparents, and aunts and uncles, of today that speak faith and truth into Alyssa and Kyle's life. I pray, looking forward, that Alyssa and Kyle will in turn make the most of every opportunity to pass on their faith to future generations. You are good to us, Father, and we stand in huge thankfulness for a family who loves you! May future generations find us faithful.

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving and Praise
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." Psalm 100:4
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I pray that you are spending the day rejoicing, in fellowship with loved ones, and eating some yummy food!
I love this season, and the opportunity it gives me to reflect on the many things I want to give God thanks for. The list is long, but I'll share a few with you on this ultimate "Thankful Thursday"!
The list grows long, but is in no way exhaustive. The Lord is so good to me.
Thank you, dear Jesus, for loving us so much!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I pray that you are spending the day rejoicing, in fellowship with loved ones, and eating some yummy food!
I love this season, and the opportunity it gives me to reflect on the many things I want to give God thanks for. The list is long, but I'll share a few with you on this ultimate "Thankful Thursday"!
- This year has been marked by God's healing in many ways...physically, emotionally, and spiritually. God has been faithful to be actively present even in ways we didn't/don't understand.
- Even in dark hours of grief, God has been present.
- Time with our extended family through the year has been rich.
- Our home has been a place of refuge and joy, and through a few home-improvement projects, I feel abundantly blessed to have a place that is "ours".
- Friendships are a treasure beyond words.
- God's confirmation of ministry and calling leave me in awe.
- We pastor a loving church family, and it's been a year of spiritual growth and changed lives. It's amazing we that we've been here 17 1/2 years. How time flies when you're having fun!
- Transition to a new school has been smooth sailing for Kyle.
- Lyssa has her drivers license, and Kyle is not far behind her. Oh my babies are growing up.
- Senior pictures taken, college applications filled out, and the countdown to graduation is quickly passing us by.
- A hardworking, God-fearing, gentle, and loving hubby.
- A strong, sensitive, passionate, and God-loving daughter.
- A gregarious, athletic, disciplined, sensitive young man who loves the Lord.
- A Savior who is living, active, and always present with me.
The list grows long, but is in no way exhaustive. The Lord is so good to me.
Thank you, dear Jesus, for loving us so much!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Sing, Sing, Sing
"Sing to the Lord a new song,
his praise from the ends of the earth,
you who go down to the sea,
and all that is in it, you islands,
all who live in them." Isaiah 42:10
I had singing practice last night with a group of my girlfriends. I have to admit that love to sing. Even more, I love to worship.
I periodically try to grab my daughter to join me in singing at church, but she's a little timid about getting front of people. I know she can do it. I love hearing her sing, but have little opportunity to do so. Sometimes I can hear her in her bedroom as she's hangin', and sometimes while she's working on homework. I love it best when she's singing with a heart that resounds of worship.
I hope both of our kids fall in love with worship, just as much as their mother loves it. They may never get as loud as me (ha!), but their voices can shout with praise to the Lord, and their hearts pound in complete adoration of Him!
Sing to the Lord, dear ones!
Lord, you are so worthy of our deep praise and adoration. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle worship you with gladness; and come before you with joyful songs (Psalm 100:2) Every day, may they enter your gates with thanksgiving; and go into your courts with praise. Lord, move Alyssa and Kyle's hearts to give thanks to you, Lord, and praise your name (Psalm 100:4) For you Lord are good. Your unfailing love continues forever, and your faithfulness continues to each generation (Psalm 100:5)

Monday, November 21, 2011
Working Hands
"Bless all his skills, O Lord, and be pleased with the work of his hands." Deuteronomy 33:11
Alyssa begins her internship today! Oh that is such a praise in this mom's (and dad's) heart, I can't even begin to tell you! She will be getting her first taste of what it is like to "go to work". We even had to go out this weekend to buy some semi-dressy work clothes.
I'm sure that this job isn't something she will be doing for the rest of her life, but I pray it's a time of learning some great lessons, and finding that there is a satisfaction that comes when one works hard.
Get those hands dirty, girl! I'm praying for you.
Lord, bless the work of Alyssa and Kyle's hands. May they not eat the bread of idleness (Prov. 31:27). Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth (Prov. 10:4). We do not want them to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised (Hebrews 6:12). The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work (Prov. 21:25). A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work (Ecc. 2:24). Whatever their hand finds to do, I pray that they do it with all their might (Ecc. 9:10) May Alyssa and Kyle make it their ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind their own business and to work with their hands, so that their daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that they will not be dependent on anybody (1 Thess. 4:11-12) Above all, may they lift up their hands in the sanctuary and praise you, Lord. (Psalm 134:2)
Alyssa begins her internship today! Oh that is such a praise in this mom's (and dad's) heart, I can't even begin to tell you! She will be getting her first taste of what it is like to "go to work". We even had to go out this weekend to buy some semi-dressy work clothes.
I'm sure that this job isn't something she will be doing for the rest of her life, but I pray it's a time of learning some great lessons, and finding that there is a satisfaction that comes when one works hard.
Get those hands dirty, girl! I'm praying for you.
Lord, bless the work of Alyssa and Kyle's hands. May they not eat the bread of idleness (Prov. 31:27). Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth (Prov. 10:4). We do not want them to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised (Hebrews 6:12). The sluggard's craving will be the death of him, because his hands refuse to work (Prov. 21:25). A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work (Ecc. 2:24). Whatever their hand finds to do, I pray that they do it with all their might (Ecc. 9:10) May Alyssa and Kyle make it their ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind their own business and to work with their hands, so that their daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that they will not be dependent on anybody (1 Thess. 4:11-12) Above all, may they lift up their hands in the sanctuary and praise you, Lord. (Psalm 134:2)

Saturday, November 19, 2011
The Light of the World
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the LORD rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
Lift up your eyes and look about you:
All assemble and come to you;
your sons come from afar,
and your daughters are carried on the arm.
Then you will look and be radiant,
your heart will throb and swell with joy.
and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the LORD rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
Lift up your eyes and look about you:
All assemble and come to you;
your sons come from afar,
and your daughters are carried on the arm.
Then you will look and be radiant,
your heart will throb and swell with joy.
--Isaiah 60:1-5
Lord, you are the Light of the World, and oh how I pray that you are the light that lives and shines in Alyssa and Kyle's world. You are a lamp to their feet and a light for their path. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle will call on your name day by day as their Savior and Lord, and live their lives out of that faith in you. As they walk in your light, I pray that they will look radiant, and their hearts will throb and swell with great joy. May Alyssa and Kyle find your sweet salvation and live in your light!

Friday, November 18, 2011
Keeping Promises
"When you make a promise,
say only "Yes" or "No."
Anything else comes from the devil."
~Matthew 5:37
Promises are like babies:
easy to make, hard to deliver.
~Author Unknown
Promises may fit the friends,
but non-performance will
turn them into enemies.
~Benjamin Franklin
Lord, teach Alyssa and Kyle the importance of their word and to be careful to always keep their promises. May it be their commitment to not break their covenant; and not take back a single word they say. Especially when they make a vow to you, Lord, I pray that they don't delay in fulfilling it, for you take no pleasure in fools. I pray that honesty and integrity always mark Alyssa and Kyle's lives. I know you live in them, and through their actions and their words, and following through with their promises, others will see you! Thank you, dear Jesus, for hearing my prayer.

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thankful Thursday: God Given Gifts
"This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:6-7
Today I'm thankful for the gifts and talents I have seen in my dear family this week. God has wonderfully made each one and I revel in His creation of the special people in my life. Oh how I love and adore them!
My Dear Hubby
As he walked along side our friends, as they were grieving the loss of their wife and mother (age 43, 29 days after she was diagnosed with cancer), I stood amazed at my hubby's compassion, strength, wisdom and peaceful presence in the midst of this great loss. God has gifted my man to help those who are hurting, and lead them into the presence of their one true Comforter. On a less "spiritual" side, he helps pull together details for a funeral, listen for needs, desires, and hopes in the planning, and pull together the perfect life sketch based on each family member's memories and delights of their lost loved one. You can see my dear hubby's desire to be of comfort to the family, but also his heart that everyone in attendance of the funeral will come to know the One who is the ultimate Savior, Healer and Provider of everything they need. I love my man, and these gifts (and so many more) that God has given him!
My Dear Daughter
I love the smile that brightens our dear daughter's face as she laughs and as she talks with others. She has this quick mind that jumps to funny play-on-words and sometimes she can "bring down the house." When she can get everyone chuckling around the table, my heart rejoices and gives God thanks...not only for her, but for the joy to be found when she is around. I also love her eye for beautiful things and how she can catch that beauty through her camera. And oh what a smart mind when it comes to her school work! God has fearfully and wonderfully made, my dear daughter. I love her dearly, and love these gifts (and so many more) that God has given her!
My Dear Son
Our boy is determined in everything he does and discipline marks his days. His room is organized and clean, he has a passion to keep fit, and every day he is very conscientious to get his homework done. Just the fact that he remembers to make his lunch at night before he goes to bed brings a smile to my face. To be the best baseball player he can be, he works hard to learn and improve, and lives like he can be the best. This week, even when he failed to make the basketball team at school, he didn't beat himself up or blame others. He took responsibility for his part, in a healthy way, and then focused on what he wanted to work on to improve. In everything, our boy strives to be the best he can be. Oh, and the joy he has found in his new school, and with so many friends! He has adjusted well and loves this new experience. I think this young man loves life! I love him so much, and love these gifts (and so many more) that God has given him.
Oh thank you, my precious Lord, for these beautiful people in my life. Thank you for making theme each so unique and special, reflecting you in beautiful ways. I pray that you help them to fan into flames the gifts that you have given them. You do not give them a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. My heart rejoices, in you my Savior, and the family you have blessed my life with. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Today I'm thankful for the gifts and talents I have seen in my dear family this week. God has wonderfully made each one and I revel in His creation of the special people in my life. Oh how I love and adore them!
My Dear Hubby
As he walked along side our friends, as they were grieving the loss of their wife and mother (age 43, 29 days after she was diagnosed with cancer), I stood amazed at my hubby's compassion, strength, wisdom and peaceful presence in the midst of this great loss. God has gifted my man to help those who are hurting, and lead them into the presence of their one true Comforter. On a less "spiritual" side, he helps pull together details for a funeral, listen for needs, desires, and hopes in the planning, and pull together the perfect life sketch based on each family member's memories and delights of their lost loved one. You can see my dear hubby's desire to be of comfort to the family, but also his heart that everyone in attendance of the funeral will come to know the One who is the ultimate Savior, Healer and Provider of everything they need. I love my man, and these gifts (and so many more) that God has given him!
My Dear Daughter
I love the smile that brightens our dear daughter's face as she laughs and as she talks with others. She has this quick mind that jumps to funny play-on-words and sometimes she can "bring down the house." When she can get everyone chuckling around the table, my heart rejoices and gives God thanks...not only for her, but for the joy to be found when she is around. I also love her eye for beautiful things and how she can catch that beauty through her camera. And oh what a smart mind when it comes to her school work! God has fearfully and wonderfully made, my dear daughter. I love her dearly, and love these gifts (and so many more) that God has given her!
My Dear Son
Our boy is determined in everything he does and discipline marks his days. His room is organized and clean, he has a passion to keep fit, and every day he is very conscientious to get his homework done. Just the fact that he remembers to make his lunch at night before he goes to bed brings a smile to my face. To be the best baseball player he can be, he works hard to learn and improve, and lives like he can be the best. This week, even when he failed to make the basketball team at school, he didn't beat himself up or blame others. He took responsibility for his part, in a healthy way, and then focused on what he wanted to work on to improve. In everything, our boy strives to be the best he can be. Oh, and the joy he has found in his new school, and with so many friends! He has adjusted well and loves this new experience. I think this young man loves life! I love him so much, and love these gifts (and so many more) that God has given him.
Oh thank you, my precious Lord, for these beautiful people in my life. Thank you for making theme each so unique and special, reflecting you in beautiful ways. I pray that you help them to fan into flames the gifts that you have given them. You do not give them a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. My heart rejoices, in you my Savior, and the family you have blessed my life with. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Ready or Not!
"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." Jeremiah 29:11-13
Our girl is filling out college applications.
(Am I ready for this?)
She's taken the SAT and ACT.
The senior pictures are done.
And yesterday, she brought home the order form for her cap and gown and graduation announcements.
(I really don't think I'm ready for this.)
As Lyss heads into these new adventures around the corner, I'm praying that she waits on the Lord and allows Him to direct her steps.
(And that I have the strength to handle it all!)
Oh Lord, direct Alyssa's steps and guide her down the paths you have planned for her life. Show her the ways she should go, and give her success in all that she does. Thank you, Lord, that the plans you have for her are good and are to give her a future and a hope. When Alyssa prays, may she believe with her heart that you will listen, and know that when she looks for you wholeheartedly, she will find you. Watch over our dear girl, in her comings and goings, and forever guide her towards good things. Thank you, dear Jesus!
Our girl is filling out college applications.
(Am I ready for this?)
She's taken the SAT and ACT.
The senior pictures are done.
And yesterday, she brought home the order form for her cap and gown and graduation announcements.
(I really don't think I'm ready for this.)
As Lyss heads into these new adventures around the corner, I'm praying that she waits on the Lord and allows Him to direct her steps.
(And that I have the strength to handle it all!)
Oh Lord, direct Alyssa's steps and guide her down the paths you have planned for her life. Show her the ways she should go, and give her success in all that she does. Thank you, Lord, that the plans you have for her are good and are to give her a future and a hope. When Alyssa prays, may she believe with her heart that you will listen, and know that when she looks for you wholeheartedly, she will find you. Watch over our dear girl, in her comings and goings, and forever guide her towards good things. Thank you, dear Jesus!

Monday, November 14, 2011
Basketball Tryouts
"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11
Friday Kyle had basketball tryouts.
Saturday he found out he didn't make it.
For the last few years he's been the point-guard on his school team, but this year he's attending a new (and bigger) school. Even so, his mom was sure it was going to be a "slam dunk" to get on a team.
Sometimes it's in those moments where the feeling of failure and inadequacy grow to unmanageable depths. In all reality our head tells us that we aren't "awesome" at everything we put our mind to. We know we aren't. And we hold fast to the truth that we are valuable and gifted beyond what others see or confirm in us. Yet, despite what we know in our head, there still comes the little voice of doubt that chips away at our confidence.
Kyle seems to be handling this "foul" with ease. I'm proud of him for sure. This change of game-plan won't be the last in his life, but I am praying that he grows in strength and confidence though these trip-ups, and learns to be content in whatever the circumstances.
I hope he knows he's still a star in his mama's eyes!
Thank you, Lord, for who you've made both of our children. Alyssa and Kyle are both fearfully and wonderfully made, and blessed with tremendous gifts and talents. You, Lord, are the creator of their lives and you have wonderful plans for their futures. Strengthen Alyssa and Kyle's character and prepare their hearts for the little bumps in the road, dear Jesus. Through trials and discouragement, may they learn to be content whatever the circumstance. Build a confidence within them that is unshakeable. May they know for themselves that you have created someone who is loved and can do amazing things with their lives.
Kyle #11 (2011)
Friday Kyle had basketball tryouts.
Saturday he found out he didn't make it.
For the last few years he's been the point-guard on his school team, but this year he's attending a new (and bigger) school. Even so, his mom was sure it was going to be a "slam dunk" to get on a team.
Sometimes it's in those moments where the feeling of failure and inadequacy grow to unmanageable depths. In all reality our head tells us that we aren't "awesome" at everything we put our mind to. We know we aren't. And we hold fast to the truth that we are valuable and gifted beyond what others see or confirm in us. Yet, despite what we know in our head, there still comes the little voice of doubt that chips away at our confidence.
Kyle seems to be handling this "foul" with ease. I'm proud of him for sure. This change of game-plan won't be the last in his life, but I am praying that he grows in strength and confidence though these trip-ups, and learns to be content in whatever the circumstances.
I hope he knows he's still a star in his mama's eyes!
Thank you, Lord, for who you've made both of our children. Alyssa and Kyle are both fearfully and wonderfully made, and blessed with tremendous gifts and talents. You, Lord, are the creator of their lives and you have wonderful plans for their futures. Strengthen Alyssa and Kyle's character and prepare their hearts for the little bumps in the road, dear Jesus. Through trials and discouragement, may they learn to be content whatever the circumstance. Build a confidence within them that is unshakeable. May they know for themselves that you have created someone who is loved and can do amazing things with their lives.

Saturday, November 12, 2011
A God-Shaped Hole
Every point of view has another angle
And every angle has its merit
But all comes down to faith
That's the way I see it
And every angle has its merit
But all comes down to faith
That's the way I see it
You can say that love is not divine and
You can say that life is not eternal
"all we have is know"
But i don't believe it
You can say that life is not eternal
"all we have is know"
But i don't believe it
There's a god-shaped hole in all of us
And the restless soul is searching
There's a god-shaped hole in all of us
And it's a void only he can fill
There's a god-shaped hole in all of us
And it's a void only he can fill
Does the world seem gray
with empty longing
Wearing every shade of cynical
And do you ever feel that
There is something missing?
with empty longing
Wearing every shade of cynical
And do you ever feel that
There is something missing?
He is the only one.
Lord, thank you for your unfailing love and your wonderful deeds for men, for you satisfies the thirsty and fill the hungry with good things. There is a god-shaped hole in each of our hearts, and when we ask you into our lives, you fill every nook and cranny, and take away the void. I pray, Lord, that Alyssa and Kyle look to you to fill every hunger and thirst in their souls. Protect them from looking to other things to take away any emptiness, fear, loneliness, or pain. Only you satisfy. Only you. May our children look to you, dear Jesus, to fill the god-shaped hole in their heart.

Friday, November 11, 2011
Walking with Friends
"And Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God." 1 Samuel 23:16
I'm thankful today for those who walk alongside me in my journey as
wife, mother, and follower of Christ. There are so many who encourage
me, teach me, and stretch me to be better all areas of my life.
I pray that my children find lifelong friends who bring them great delight and joy, and push them to grow in their faith. Friends who speak God's truth into their lives, always show grace and forgiveness, and spur them on towards good deeds. Partners on our journey of faith is one of the greatest treasures of life.
We can live this life on our own, but it's so much sweeter walking it with friends.
Lord, I love your presence in my life. With you I find great encouragement, hope, strength, and joy. You are my God, and I love you. Thank you for blessing me with friends who walk beside me on this journey, and help me strive to be a better wife, mother, and child of God. My heart is full of gratitude. Fill our children's lives with friends who will do the same for them; friends who will encourage them to draw closer to you, who will speak truth in love, and be with them through the thick and thin. Lord, you give us special people who enrich our lives in beautiful ways. Thank you for such a sweet gift.
I pray that my children find lifelong friends who bring them great delight and joy, and push them to grow in their faith. Friends who speak God's truth into their lives, always show grace and forgiveness, and spur them on towards good deeds. Partners on our journey of faith is one of the greatest treasures of life.
We can live this life on our own, but it's so much sweeter walking it with friends.
Lord, I love your presence in my life. With you I find great encouragement, hope, strength, and joy. You are my God, and I love you. Thank you for blessing me with friends who walk beside me on this journey, and help me strive to be a better wife, mother, and child of God. My heart is full of gratitude. Fill our children's lives with friends who will do the same for them; friends who will encourage them to draw closer to you, who will speak truth in love, and be with them through the thick and thin. Lord, you give us special people who enrich our lives in beautiful ways. Thank you for such a sweet gift.

Thursday, November 10, 2011
His Return
'Return to me' declares the Lord Almighty, 'and I will return to you'... Zechariah 1:3
God's "return" to us always seems gracious and full. My heart is responding with thanksgiving today!
God's "return" to us always seems gracious and full. My heart is responding with thanksgiving today!
- Grammy and Papa came for a visit. I love their relationship with our children. So blessed!
- Our "baby" turned 15 over the weekend. He's strong, healthy, and brings great joy to our family.
- Our girl played on a Senior All-Star Volleyball team and did awesome!
- So many "Pastor Appreciation" gifts and thoughts touched our hearts.
- God healed our bodies of sinus infections and colds.
- 2 weeks of full-time work came to a conclusion...bonus Christmas money is a blessing! And I survived!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Seeing Jesus Clearly
"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." Proverbs 8:17
I love this picture of Kyle and Grammy. I love Kyle's blonde, blonde hair, his little legs, that curled up hand and puckered lip, and his little man outfit. So cute he was! I also love the intense look on his face as he tries to peer out the binoculars to the beautiful ocean.
I think this happened to be the same day that Ken was intently looking out his own binoculars, and didn't realize that there were seagulls flying overhead, until...
You guessed it! He was marked by a wonderful shower of seagull poop. Oh the smell! It's a day we'll never let him live down, that's for sure!
We all took turns looking through the binoculars that day, hoping to focus on something awesome out in the great mass of water (and none of the rest of us experienced the seagull shower!). It's amazing how those things work, allowing us to see things that we wouldn't normally be able to see with our naked eye. They magnify in such a way that you can see such intricate details, and the beautiful design of God's creation.
God's Word is like that! It shows us clearly, when we choose to take a look, the God who loves His children. It helps us to see an accurate and beautiful picture of God's plan for this world. How can we help but not fall deeper in love with Him, when we get to know Him more?
Seek Him through His Word, my precious children, and you WILL find Him!
Lord, what a promise that your children can hold onto! When we seek you, you will not remain hidden from us, but we are guaranteed that we will find you! What a gift that is to hold onto. Your Word is like a telescope, and when we look into it, you become magnified and we can see you more clearly. Every intimate detail of your plan from the beginning of time, and how you love your children, and provide a way for us to draw near to you, can be found within the pages of Scripture. We just need to be willing to take a look, and fix our eyes on you. Lord, I pray that my children fall in love with You and Your Word, and choose daily to dig deep and seek you with all their hearts. Within those moments I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find the great treasures you have just for them, and they find you in beautiful, life-changing, and fulfilling ways.
I love this picture of Kyle and Grammy. I love Kyle's blonde, blonde hair, his little legs, that curled up hand and puckered lip, and his little man outfit. So cute he was! I also love the intense look on his face as he tries to peer out the binoculars to the beautiful ocean.
I think this happened to be the same day that Ken was intently looking out his own binoculars, and didn't realize that there were seagulls flying overhead, until...
You guessed it! He was marked by a wonderful shower of seagull poop. Oh the smell! It's a day we'll never let him live down, that's for sure!
We all took turns looking through the binoculars that day, hoping to focus on something awesome out in the great mass of water (and none of the rest of us experienced the seagull shower!). It's amazing how those things work, allowing us to see things that we wouldn't normally be able to see with our naked eye. They magnify in such a way that you can see such intricate details, and the beautiful design of God's creation.
God's Word is like that! It shows us clearly, when we choose to take a look, the God who loves His children. It helps us to see an accurate and beautiful picture of God's plan for this world. How can we help but not fall deeper in love with Him, when we get to know Him more?
Seek Him through His Word, my precious children, and you WILL find Him!
Lord, what a promise that your children can hold onto! When we seek you, you will not remain hidden from us, but we are guaranteed that we will find you! What a gift that is to hold onto. Your Word is like a telescope, and when we look into it, you become magnified and we can see you more clearly. Every intimate detail of your plan from the beginning of time, and how you love your children, and provide a way for us to draw near to you, can be found within the pages of Scripture. We just need to be willing to take a look, and fix our eyes on you. Lord, I pray that my children fall in love with You and Your Word, and choose daily to dig deep and seek you with all their hearts. Within those moments I pray that Alyssa and Kyle find the great treasures you have just for them, and they find you in beautiful, life-changing, and fulfilling ways.

Monday, November 7, 2011
Sisters and Brothers
"And this commandment we have from him:
whoever loves God must also love his brother." 1 John 4:21
Lyss & Kyle (1998)
At this age, my kids claim that they are not "friends", and sometimes treat each other more like lepers, than sister and brother. I try to convince them the importance of their relationship, and that they will need each other one day. They will go through trials in their life where they will need someone who will stand by them through thick and thin, and love them no matter what.
They put up (and put-up is definitely the word of the day) with each other as family now, but I pray that one day they will realize the treasure they have as friends. I pray that they will forgive the crazy things of today, and love one another unconditionally through the things of tomorrow.
I think people that have a brother
or sister
don't realize how lucky they are.
Sure, they fight a lot,
to know that there's always somebody there,
somebody that's family.
--Trey Parker
Lord, you have given us two precious children and they fill our days with much joy. However, when they fight, are impatient with one another, and hold onto grudges, my heart breaks. I pray Lord, that Alyssa and Kyle will live lives that are completely humble and gentle; being patient, bearing with one another in love. May they make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Lord, may forgiveness flow freely between one another. Their friendship can can be a life-giving relationship that brings them much joy, but at times it will take a bit of effort. May they each be willing to set aside hurts, fears, and anger to love one another the way that you call them to love. Lord, you have created our family in beautiful ways, and you put Alyssa and Kyle together as sister and brother for special purposes in their lives. May they find the true joy you have for them in this relationship. As sisters and brothers...and as friends.

Saturday, November 5, 2011
My Little Boy
"The father of a righteous man has great joy;
he who has a wise son delights in him."
Proverbs 23:24
he who has a wise son delights in him."
Proverbs 23:24
My little boy is FIFTEEN today!
Happy Birthday, Kyle Allen!
Oh how I love you!
Lord, thank you for my little boy. Thank you for the smiles he brings to our hearts and the joy he fills our lives with. Kyle is so wonderfully made and I know that full well. Oh how I miss the days of his sweet little laughter, his big kisses, and holding his hand as we walk together. I miss watching his sweetness as he sleeps, the smell of baby lotion on his face, and the inquisitiveness of experiencing new things. But Lord, I see you doing such great things in Kyle's life. You are growing him up into being a man after your own heart. As his voice slowly is deepening, and his body growing inches before my eyes, you are strengthening his heart, mind, and soul. I love his sweet laughter, the discipline he has to do his work well, and the compassion he shows in so many ways. Lord, may he always love you with all that he is and seek you in everything he does. I pray that he chooses this day to love and serve you with all that he is, and follows you all the days of his life. Lord, thank you for my little boy.

Friday, November 4, 2011
Boomerangs Hurt
"Don't be quick to fly off the handle.
Anger boomerangs.
You can spot a fool
by the lumps on his head."
Ecclesiastes 7:9
(The Message)
I just have to laugh at the way the Message states the above verse. Learning how to respond to others with patience has been one of my lifelong struggles, especially when I'm tired, cranky, and stressed.
And now I have teenagers.
Sometimes it requires a mountain load of patience.
For them and for me.
Impatience is unfortunately a contagious condition. Once started, serious treatment is in order. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit specializes in giving patience. Patience is listed as a fruit of the Spirit and how I pray God will always help me and help all of us to find our strength and help from above.
Lord, help us to not be quick to fly off the handle. Keep our tongues from evil and our lips from being impatient. May we each be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. May our family be completely humble and gentle; being patient, and bearing with one another in love. Lord, thank you for being at work in me and helping me be more patient. Please fill Alyssa and Kyle with your Spirit, and help them to be patient as well.

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