Praising God for so many things today...
- Our kids health.
- Good grades at the completion of the school quarter.
- A fun, but quick, overnight family outing to watch Lyss play her last high school volleyball game. Of course, she was picked to be on the Senior All-Star team and will have one more game.
- Lyssa also passed both of her driving tests and is now a licensed
driver. She also has survived a handful of solo driving adventures to
school/church and back. (And I survived being a nervous wreck.)
- Kyle completed his first day of driving in drivers ed and the instructor was very complimentary.
Kyle in the driver's seat
- Moments of laughter around the dinner table...and all four of us were present. It may have been the first time since volleyball started in August.
Great are you, Lord and worthy of praise!
Lord, today I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great are you Lord and most worthy of praise. Thank you, for the many, many ways that I see your presence in our lives. I see so many fingerprints of your work in Alyssa and Kyle's lives. Thank you for the many ways you show yourself to us! Your greatness surpasses anything else and I revel in who you are. Today I praise you!

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