"Cleanliness may not make one godly,
but it does make one appreciated."
--Wes Fessler
Thought it is not "Wordless Wednesday", I'm sure the above picture brings many thoughts to your mind about what this mother is praying for today.
Oh the messes!
Lord, you know my heart, and you know the needs and struggles of our dear children. Oh how I want Alyssa and Kyle to grow up to be responsible and hard-working adults. Some days I can see signs of their ability to take care of themselves, being kind to others, making mature choices, and having the desire to have the freedom and responsibility that comes with becoming an adult. And other days, not so much. I pray that Alyssa and Kyle grow spirit's that thrive to work hard, live organized and orderly lives, and always choose to be responsible with their time and possessions. Lord, bless their hands as they work and help them to do it all for the glory of your name.

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