God’s Word is one of the most precious things in the world to me. I think I fell in love with it when I was in elementary school or middle school. I remember moving from my childhood Bible, into a more adult-like one, and loving the time it took to re-underline all of my favorite verses. I loved carrying it to church and using it when my Sunday school teacher, youth leader, or the pastor asked me find a particular verse. I loved the things I learned, and how it spoke to me about my life circumstances. I remember even taking my Bible to school, hoping I would have time to read it in my free time, or would have it available to share a verse or two with my friends. Yes, I was a “Bible Thumper”! My love affair with the Bible began long, long ago.
I pray that the Bible becomes one of the most precious things in the world to my kids too. I pray that it changes from just a book that sits on their shelf, or under their dirty laundry, to a “living and active”, life changing gift that they wouldn’t ever want to live without. I pray that God speaks to them through His Word, and they find treasures from Him that is a reminder of His deep and steadfast love.
I will totally love it if one day my kids start carrying their Bible wherever they go, or call me with a verse that spoke to them. I pray for the day that their love affair begins, and God’s Word becomes “more precious than gold” in their lives!
Bible Thumpers unite!
Your Word, O Lord, is better than life, and I love it! My heart’s prayer is that Alyssa and Kyle fall in love with the treasures written for them in Your Word too. Place Bible teachers in their lives that inspire them to dig deeper, search for answers, and understand your direction and plan for them. Lord, when Alyssa and Kyle make efforts to read your Word, open their eyes so that they will see you, and their minds to understand what they’ve read. I pray that your Word comes alive to them, and they never take for granted what a priceless gift it is! Thank you, Lord, for the gift of your Word and the power it has in my life. May it be so with my kids. Let their love affair begin today.

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