Yesterday, a child of mine begged, pleaded, and was very persistent in wanting me to make a box of macaroni and cheese for lunch. This was after leaving the potluck at church where there was plenty of food to be had. Being the good mom that I am, I figured this child, who for this blog entry will remain unnamed, needed to learn to do their own work and take care of their own physical hunger. I'm sure they wouldn't starve.
What could have taken less than ten minutes to make, ended up in longer ordeal than necessary in hopes that I would give in. No such luck.
Hopefully it was a good lesson that "those unwilling to work will not get to eat."
Lord, I pray that Alyssa and Kyle grow up into adults who are not unwilling to work. Especially when they are hungry or in need. The sluggard doesn't receive what he needs to live. May Alyssa and Kyle's hands be of great use to not only help themselves, but to be of some assistance to others in need as well. I pray that our kids always work diligently and glorify you in all that they do.

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