Lyss and her Quizzing team...2007
This weekend I participated in some meetings in Oregon. About a year and a half ago I was asked to join this committee but I'm not sure I really knew what I was getting into. Many times over the last 18 months I've wondered what God was thinking when He came up with this particular plan of His. He's so funny!
I know in my head that He made me with particular gifts, and without my gifts this committee would be lacking, but it's seriously easier to doubt why I'm not gifted in the same way as the others. Or wonder why my gifts are needed in that room. I know that God arranged every part of the body "just as he wanted them to be", but sometimes it's hard to rest in that.
I pray that Alyssa and Kyle recognize the gifts God has given them, and know without a doubt the wonderful purposes for which He has created them. I hope that they live in the confidence that God has made them "fearfully and wonderfully" and that wherever He sends them, it is to accomplish mighty purposes for His Kingdom. Maybe its pastoral ministry, maybe its being a stay-at-home parent, or maybe its on a committee like mine. Whatever it is, may they shine bright for Him.
Lord, thank you for making all of your children different and gifted, yet using them all in unique and special ways in your kingdom. You have arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as you wanted them to be, and I pray that Alyssa and Kyle can revel and live in that truth. Help them both to recognize their strengths, and see the ways you want to use the gifts you've given them in growing your Kingdom. Give Alyssa and Kyle a confidence to go out and shine in their differences, strengths and giftings, believing that you love them just the way they are and have made them "for such a time as this." Thank you, Lord, for making us all different, yet special and with great purpose. Thank you, for making Alyssa and Kyle just as you wanted them to be!

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